"Deja Vu"

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Time for tears....and repeat. No just joking but let's say someone pulls a Uno reverse card and switches places with Thanatos instead. XD. 

Anyways. Let's begin!


"Wait don't Thanatos..." Childe walks over. And we all look at him.

"Childe...." Thanatos looks at him...and knows what he's about to say.

"Let me take the sacrifice. Just promise me one thing. Keep projecting my brother. I'm willing to give my love and protection for him. And no matter what tell him I still care for him even if I don't show it anymore." Childe faces Cosmos.

"I'll take your bet I give you my love and protection for my brother which means more then there love for one another." Cosmo's nods and both start glowing.

"Teucer...no matter what you'll always be my dear brother that I love truly." Childe collapses and is unconscious.

"That will be all I'll be back be prepared. I will not let you off next time." With that Cosmos disappears.

Zhongli rubs over and checks Childe. "Ok he's still breathing thank goodness. But how is Teucer doing?"

Teucer opens his eyes and sits up. "Mmm? Huh what's going on. Wait what happened to my brother. Ajax!" Teucer runs over and looks him over Zhongli is my brother ok what happened?!"

"Teucer...your brother...he sacrifice his feelings and love for you to save you when he wakes he won't treat you as the caring loving brother you once knew and loved. He might treat you badly." Teucer stood there. And tears up.

"Idiots! why would let him do that! Why didn't you stop him! Thanatos why didn't you stop him." Thanatos looks down.

"Actually originally I was gonna be the one to sacrifice by giving up my love for you but he stepped in and said no matter what that I should keep protecting you in his place and he said no matter what even if he goes on hating you he still loves you always." Teucer falls to his knees and breaks down...

"Big brother...sobs... why...hic...sobs....why am I so weak....I can never save myself and end up getting others killed and or hurt and have them suffer. Damit!" We all look down we where speechless and didn't no what to say.

Thanatos helped Teucer back to bed and let him rest for the night while Zhongli brought Childe to there room and lets him rest.

"It hasn't been a day and and chaos happened. This is just like Deja vu... basically." Bennett says and eats his sandwich.

"There has to be a way to get around sacrificing something it's not fair what happens if we had to go threw that." Just then a voice was herd. And we jump a bit.

"There's no way of getting out of making a bet with her shes smart. If I where you I'd start thinking of sacrifices other then the ones you love like you Aether your sister is is in danger even your love for Xiao is...heck your kids are also in danger." We all realized he's right our kids mean alot to us.

" I'm sure you'll be fine but yes there is a way to get around sacrificing anything of yours and there's but I can't remember gave me time and I'll tell you. They all nod.

"Also how is Teucer?" Thanatos sits down and grabs a glass of red wine and drinks some.

"He's asleep he cried in my arms until he passed out. Sigh. Can't believe that my stupid sister came and fucked everything up. I'm sorry guys."

Everyone looks at him.

"Thanatos I'm sure you didn't see this coming as the god of death I'm sure it's hard on you knowing that your sister Cosmo's can literally take important things from you." Thanatos grabs more wine and keeps drinking.

"Thanatos calm down on. The wine your gonna get drunk." After 30 minutes Thanatos was already drunk.

"I'm gonna go get fresh air if Teucer wakes up tell him I went for a walk." With that Thanatos walks out.

After a while Teucer wakes up and heads out to the living room.

"Oh hey Teucer if your looking for Thanatos he went out to the woods." He smiles and nods.

"Thanks Aether I'll go to him." Teucer walks out and heads to the woods.

"Thanatos...sigh you've been drinking..." Thanatos looks at him.

"Sorry....I no you don't like me doing so. But I was overwhelmed with regret and sadness. I'm sorry I didn't stop your brother. I understand that you hate me now." Teucer shakes his head.

"I don't hate you I'm sure you couldn't stop it. My brother my not have feelings for me anymore and will hate me but I still have you and our friends. We will figure out a way to stop Cosmo's and get my brother back to normal." He smiles and nods.

"I may have a way but I can't remember the details when I remember I'll tell you." He nods and kisses me.

"Thanatos if you think of it now will be a good time." Thanatos blushes and looks around.

"Heh heh alright." Thanatos lays Teucer down and softly kisses him and removing there clothes.


"Mmm...what...where am I?" Childe opens his eyes and looks around.

"Ah your awake. How are you feeling." Zhongli says in concern.

"Fine that your here with me babe." Zhongli smiles a bit.

"Childe do you remember what happened you gave up your feelings for your brother so that you can save him. You may not care for him anymore." Childe looks at Zhongli in confusion.

"Brother? I don't have a brother..." Zhongli's eyes widen in shock. And without a second thought Zhongli runs out into the living room.

"Guys bad news Childe has no memories of his brother at all!!!" Everyone drops there stuff.

"Oh no Teucer is gonna be more upset. but the deal was his feelings not memories...meaning she lied?!" Scaramouche yells in anger.

After a while. Childe walks out and looks at everyone.

"Zhongli you left me without telling me who Teucer is..."

And before long Teucer and Thanatos walks in smiling and looks over everyone and freezes.

"Oh no...this is gonna be chaos." Aether says holding xiaos arm in worry.

"What's going on oh you awoke big bro...um hi."

Everyone was silent.

"Sorry who are you?" Teucer's face went white and was in shock.

Zhongli walks over.

"Teucer Cosmo's lied to us she took your brother's memories of you not his feelings he doesn't remember you at all."

Teucer stands there in shock and faints.

Thanatos quickly catches him. As he looks over at Zhongli.

The night was gonna be a long one for them.

Well Teucer is fine sorta but Childe is not either way I'm yea what's you all think?

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