"Glaring Dream"

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It's time for the showdown hope your ready.


A month passes we all come up with a plan and way to end Nova once and for all we where done with her torments.

Thanatos said he'll have to use his death god powers to help take her down.

Then the day came we went to the meeting place and stood there we watch her and Thanatos talk. And both draw there weapons.

We all watch as they battle it out

Teucer watches from far away Aether was told to stay back and look after him.

"Aether I'm worried. I don't want to lose him. He promised me he'd be back for me and Tonia and to marry me. Do you think he'll be alright? To be honest I always felt like I have been cursed I always kept dying or getting hurt but ever since my rebirth that feeling is gone. I hope it is I want to finally live happily with my prince." Aether smiles.

"I'm sure he'll be fine. You have that ring on your finger as a promise and life filled with joy and happiness. You can finally live a life without pain and sadness." Teucer smiles and nods.

"Yea your right and everyone will. Be there to back him up if Nova gets the upper hand. I believe in them all." Teucer places a hand on his belly. Aether notices.

"So are you?" Aether says not looking at teucer.

"Yea but I haven't told Thanatos yet. When he wins and comes back I'll tell him." Aether smiles.

"I can't believe your pregnant again." Teucer looks at Aether.

"Is that a bad thing?" Teucer says in a worried tone.

"No besides you and brother grew up with big families so I can see you two having a contest of who came have the most kids." The both of us laugh.

"The thought of marrying Thanatos and baring children for him means alot for me remember he used to be a bad guy who was tormented by the others it was me who made him become good. A human and God it was forbidden for the two but now it means nothing just as long as Both are happy." Aether smiles.

"Same thing with you and Xiao but your now immortal and have god like powers actually we all are immortal now our friends have powers to revive and turn the hands of time." With that they look up at the sky. Wishing for protection on there loved ones on the battle Feild.

"Ugh ah....." Nova walks over to Thanatos and kicks him hard in the ribs and he coughs out blood.

"Give up now Thanatos." Thanks spits out blood and looks up at her.

"Ugh....never you son of a bitch! I'm doing this for love I promised him...that I'll return to him and our daughter. and live....a happy life...we both suffered long enough."

Nova then gets chained down to the ground.

"W-what the I can't move!!!" Thanatos eyes glow a bright and chaotic red.

"Say hello to my move. Chaotic Judgment." With that everything was engulfed in a bright flash of light.

Nova laid dead. Thanatos stood victoriously. But was weak due to him using judgment...

"The heck move was that?!" Childe says.

Thanatos laughs

"That would have been the move that I used on you guys ages ago back on judgment Day years ago." They all laugh nervously.

And they went home.

Thanatos stops by a flower shop and picks up some roses and heads home. He walks in and sees Teucer cradling there daughter in his arms and smiles. Teucer looks up and smiles as well. Teucer places Tonia in her crib and walks over to Thanatos.

"I got you flowers." Teucer smiles. And walks over and kisses him.

"Oh uh I might have to return my wedding clothes and get a bigger sizes unless we get married really soon."

Thanatos was confused.

"What how come babe? Gain weight?" Teucer pouts but smiles.

"Babe think about it. When we finally get married it'll be 5 months from now in 5 months my suit won't fit. Think about it." Thanatos thinks long and hard.

"Wait Teucer your not are you...are you actually.?!!" Teucer smiles and nods

Thanatos holds him close and spins him around.

"Baby number 2 how can I fall even more in love with you babe marrying you having 2 kids already. Sobs I'm happy I have you in my life. Thank you Teucer for being there for me years ago." Holds him close. And kisses him.

"We finally get to live happily."
After the wedding and few months go by Teucer gave birth to a baby boy. They decided to wait a hit before having another baby so that they can love and care for there two babies.

Oh bennett and Razor had another baby as well we didn't even know they were secretive about it.

"What gives you two we didn't even know you where having another kid." Bennett laughs.

"We wanted to keep it a secret and surprise you guys. Oh Xiao scaramouche where is kazuha and Aether?"

Xiao looks at bennett.

"There at work remember they work together and are music idols there righting a new song."

"Yea there song is called Glaring Dream. I herd them hum and sing it before. It sounded so cute." Teucer says happily.

"They hope to release it next month." Xiao says while reading social media.

"Hey bro how are you and Zhongli going with your jobs" Thanatos says holding his son.

"I'm still not gonna get used to you calling me brother. Or bro..." everyone laughs.

"Hey guys turn on the tv quick Aether and Kazuha are preforming there new song!" With that we rush and turned the tv on.

"Hello I'm Kazuha and I'm Aether and we'll be performing our new song "Glaring Dream" hope you enjoy our song!

They start singing and the words and there voices match up the song is talking about us all and how life is full of ups and downs but no matter what your dreams will come true. Which it did everyone was happy.

And we knew there will be no more trouble and can finally live a life without pain and suffering.


"Thank you all for staying with us till the end readers. Yes this maybe the end but writer senpai has more new story ideas this will just be the end of the reincarnated Au arcs hope to see you guys again soon! Signed -Xiaother, Rannett, xingyun, Thancer, Kazuscara. Etc.

Well as you can tell this was the final chapter. As well as final book in this series I will make more tell me a pairing and I'll do it. Love you all!

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