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This song is just so beautiful it makes you sit there and reflect on life when I heard this it reminded me of times when I was a kid growing up with my friends but an adult you realize how important those times are.

Eheh enough being sappy let's being!


A week passes Childe and Zhongli's two children that survived where born and they were overjoyed both of them where baby boys. We all congratulated them and threw a party for respect as well to remember the 2 that didn't make it.

"So how do you two feel your finally holding your two little ones." Teucer says beaming happily while looking at there little ones.

"Quiet tiring but really happy." We all laugh and smile then suddenly we jump when the door comes kicked open.

"Hey hey Morax! We're back and we heard that you have kids now." We all stared in shock Zhongli's eye twitches.

"Why Barbatos did you have to kick my door open...." Barbatos stands there and shrugs.

"I'm so sorry mr.zhongli I told him to be quiet and respectful but he already had 4 bottles of wine." Zhongli sighs.

"It's alright venti he can be....a pain sometimes but at least he's the life of the party." They laugh a bit.

"Oh that reminds me. Barbatos I need a word with you. I need to fill you in with everything that happened when you where both away." With that he explains to both.

"So that's the story. Sigh sorry to hear about your two children. I hope they find peace with my blessings." Zhongli nods.

"Well can't stand an be sad about it we have to be happy for them live out our lives for them. And since I'm back I'll be double the help." Zhongli smiles but suddenly the room shakes

Everyone holds onto there kids and each other

"I feel sick...mmm." Teucer holds his head as Thanatos holds him close.

"I knew she wasn't gone. Should have cursed her when I had a chance." Everyone looked to Thanatos.

"You mean?" Thanatos nods

"My mother has returned and with revenge." He then herd laughing and we all looked at Nova. Childe stands in front of Zhongli and his children making sure she doesn't hurt them I'm sure everyone is doing the same.

"Ah Nova long time no see ms angel of Darkness." Barbatos says as he approaches her.

"Ah Barbatos your still around I thought you parish years ago not that I care your not worth my breath." Barbatos pouts

"Such a shame besides I'm sure Alexander would have said other wise." With that she grows mad and grabs him by the neck.

"How dare you speak his name with your tongue you weak wind god...." Venti panics and pulls out an arrow and shoots it at her.

She gets hit and looks to venti. Ah so this is the boy who's looks you took on. I bet he means alot to you." She slaps Barbatos into the wall and grabs venti by the neck.

"Ugh....cough. B-barbatos..." Barbatos sits up fast and dashes over and kicks her in the back. His eyes full of hate and anger.

"Don't ever touch him. You should remember I had the most kills in the archon war I won't hesitate to kill you on a whim if you lay one finger on him. Zhongli nods.

"It's true he maybe the weakest but he's more insane and has done more bloodshed then even I did." We all where in shock.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna kill you guys. But as for her....I might...."Barbatos glares at she pulls venti by the hair.

"Ah I remember you became a murder and killed thousands right after your dear bars friend died if I recall and that friend is this boy. So if I killed him in front of'd go on a bloody rampage?" She then pulls out a dagger and holds it up to Venti's neck.

"Barbatos....sobs..." Venti sobs and reaches out towards his lover.

"Please don't...I don't want to lose him again..."Barbatos falls to his knees. "I want him to live his freedom the one he never got to experience in the past. Let him be." She sighs and lets venti go.

Barbatos runs over and holds him close as venti holds onto him and cries.

"I got you it's alright." Nova sighs...

"You are no fun at all...guess I'll take my leave." With that she disappears.

"Venti...I was worried that I'd lose you again." They both smile and laugh.

"To be honest there love for each other is so cute." Teucer says. And holds Thanatos who has been very silent this whole time.

"Thanatos? Hey babe you alright?" Thanatos holds his head.

"Oh uh yea I'm fine just tierd is all." Suddenly Thanatos attacks Teucer.

Teucer backs up fast and dodges.

"Thanatos what's gotten into y-no she didn't did she." Barbatos walks over

"She did he corrupted his mind that's why she left with out any trouble. We're gonna have to kill him or kill her..." Teucer stands there.

" No! I won't hurt him! I won't forgive you if you do...she's the one who needs to die...but she's gone sobs....Thanatos please fight it I no you can....for me...for our daughter." Thanatos growls and attacks Teucer but stops when Teucer then holds him close.

"Stop your not alone you have people who care about you alot." With that Teucer leans up and kisses him. Thanatos then digs his nails into Teucer's arms and winces a bit in pain. But his grip became softer as he comes to his senses...

He holds Teucer close and kisses back deeply.

"Teucer....that was really reckless what where you thinking..." Teucer smiles

"I wanted to be strong and save you this time. People do crazy things when there in love." They smile. And everyone claps.

"I'm proud of you bro but next time be careful your still pregnant after all." Barbatos realize that Teucer is pregnant.

"Wooh wait Teucer and Thanatos your having a baby what!???" Congrats!!!!" They laugh as they continue to have there party.

Damit that brat broke the spell I but on Thanatos I have to rid him time I won't let you off...someone will die and I'll make sure of it.

Barbatos and Venti are back yeay!!!also ooo something is gonna happen soon o3o

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