perfect Enemy

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I want my Kazuha wig to come in I have so much ideas that I'm running out of space in my note book. Cough anyways. Here is the next chapter.

Things are heating up.


Everyone was in shock knowing the reason behind Teucer's sudden sickness.

Childe for one was pissed.

"Thanatos you son of a bitch you got my brother pregnant?!!!" Teucer goes in front of him.

"Big brother enough I told him to you need to accept him nothing is gonna change our minds for each other I didn't complain about Zhongli in fact he's nice and cool if I don't say anything about him then you don't have the right to say anything about thanatos. its my body my decision!" Childe goes silent.

"Teucer your only 17 your not even done school!" Teucer gets more mad.

"Shut up! I'm done with you if I knew this is the shit you say after regaining your memories I shouldn't have Gaven them back to you. I hate you Ajax!" Childe gets mad and slaps Teucer across the face.

Everyone gasps in shock.

Teucer holds his face backs up.

"Sobs your a jerk! I hope you die!" With that Teucer runs of the house. Thanatos runs out after teucer. Childe sighs and falls to his knees...

Xiao walks over to Childe and picks him up by the collar of the shirt...

"What you did is unforgiving your his brother your supposed to be there and support him. And be happy for him your gonna have to let him go he's growing up and is now gonna be a parent your gonna have to be there for him. Tell him you care accept Thanatos first before talking to your brother you and him need to get along." Childe sighs....

But how do do I get along with him he was our enemy before he killed my brother once er well pretend killed him and now got him pregnant." Xingqiu sighs...

"Childe what are you gonna do once they get married whenever they do. You can't just shoot your brother's happiness down think of it he worked with Thanatos and was bad to get back at you and your doing it again to him what if he hands himself off to Cosmo's to get at you again. You'd just be repeating the past over again." Childe looks down and nods.

"Your right I'll talk it out with Thanatos... Besides Teucer will be 18 in 3 months and he graduates next month so...that will be my gift to him accepting them both."

Unknown to them Cosmo's was listening on there conversation and smiles evily.

"So that little brats pregnant with my brother's child this will be quite a sacrifice in deed I'll threaten them with that. Now to find that boy before my brother gets to him." Cosmo's teleports away.

Zhongli looks up and sees Cosmo's teleport away. "Cosmo's!"

Zhongli jumps up and flies up to her and before she disappears Zhongli goes in and disappears as the portal closes. Childe panics.

"Zhongli!!!" Everyone was shocked as to why he would hop in the enemies portal.


"Well well well Morax I never knew you would do something so reckless. Tell me why would you fallow me you know what I will end up doing to you right?." Zhongli glares at her.

"I'm here to sign a contract. I want you to leave them all alone if not I won't hesitate to kill you again. I did it once I will do it again." Cosmo's smirks.

"Morax you still bother with those contracts that what I expected out of you and you may have beat me one but I assure you I won't die to your hands again. I need to get that brat Teucer I have plans for him to join me I heard he can be easily persuaded to join sides and work with them and I can blackmail him if he joins me I'll let him be but if not he'll have to sacrifice his unborn child." Zhongli's eyes widen in anger.

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