Angel of Darkness

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My finger hurts so much. But I'm going this cause why not!!!


4 months after

Things were peaceful. Childe woke up and Zhongli was making tea and holding his belly it was huge he looks 8 months pregnant he told me any of these he'll be laying the eggs to be honest...yea I'm fucking in denial and nervous. Teucer will be having his daughter 2 months from now he's been healthy and so is the baby. And here I am sorta forced into being a father of 4 or more kids.

"Ahh Ajax!!!" I run out to the living room and see Zhongli on the ground in pain.

"Ajax it's time I ca-ugh!" Without any warning Zhongli pulls off his pants and tears up. I get in front and spread his legs and tell him to breathe in and out. He does so.

" Ugh oww...." Zhongli holds onto the pillow on the couch and pushes.

"Your doing great babe you can do I can see the first one coming keep pushing." Before long the first egg came out then the the last 3. Zhongli collapses. I quickly go to him and hold him.

"Are they good? No cracks or anything?" I smile

"they're fine. He smiles. I lean over and kiss him deeply and he sits up and looks at them. Smiles.

"Just got to wait 2 weeks. And they'll be here." We softly pick them up and place them on a soft bed for them and keep them warm.


We called up everyone and they all came over and saw the eggs. And where shocked to see how big they where.

"Holy shit Zhongli those came out of you I feel so back for you man." Aether says in shock and laughs.

"Wow I bet you are happy big bro you might have girls and boys or 3 girls one boy or the other way around. Good job!" Childe laughs nervously.

"Thanks Teucer you no your the reason why I'm having kids in the first place you pain." Teucer laughs.

Suddenly someone jumps out of the portal and we see Cosmo's.

We all panic.

"Don't worry I'm not here to fight I'm here to warn you. Mainly Thanatos. Our mother is coming and she knows here here." Thanatos face does wait and faints.

Zhongli then stands up in a panic

"Wait your mother is coming oh no. That's not good if you and Thanatos were bad as bad guys she's way worse. And evil. When will she be here you say.?" Cosmo's panics.

"Uh less then a second." We all panic. As suddenly the room gets engulfed in darkness.and then it goes back to normal as Thanatos and Cosmo's mother is now standing there.

"So here you are Thanatos. I herd that you have a lover and having a child with him?" Thanatos panics.

"Uh yes mother this is Teucer my one and only love., Teucer this is my mother Nova" Thanatos was beyond nervous.

Before long she slaps him across the face.

"You ungrateful little brat you fell in love with this human a rat...your a prince Thanatos a god. And now he's carrying my grandson in him ugh. That's it I'll kill them both. And have you Wed a rich person a royal." Thanatos gets mad.

"I rather die then marry someone else other then Teucer and if you lay one hand on my unborn child or boyfriend I'll kill you I don't care if you are my mother! He's my family."

She walks around and notices something and smiles.

"Alright if you won't listen to me then I'll make you come and obey me." She walks over and lifts her feet up and smashes down breaking 2 of Childe and Zhonglis unborn babies.

Everyone gasped and pulls out there weapons in anger.

"Mother stop it!!!!please ok I'll go just don't break any more please...those where there kids...." She glances over at Thanatos.

"Like I give a shit about the old retired lord of Geo....and his lizard kids." Before anything she gets jumped and punched

"Those were my kids you killed them!!!! You heartless mother fucking bitch!....sobs....why don't you guys leave us alone! Let me guess your like this because some guy never acknowledge you and now your taken it out on us! If so I don't fucking care if it didn't work out either give up or drag him back and chain him up. Not go and ruin others love life because you couldn't be fucking happy why don't you all just die!" Childe starts breaking down. The memory of seeing her crush two of his unborn kids in front of him horrified him alot.

Xiao walks over and grabs Childe.

"Go to Zhongli he needs you we'll deal with her." Before she could get away we all grab her even Thanatos and Cosmo's was in on it. We pinned her down.

"You tortured us for years mother but now your gonna see real torture and confess for your crime and sins."

Thanatos pulls out a dagger and holds it to her hand and stabs it before removing it...

"As the god of death. I sentence you to hell an eternity of suffering.." with that Thanatos brings down the dagger into her chest in to here heart and repeatedly stabs her over and over out of hate anger and sadness he does it twice as hard for what she did to Childe and Zhonglis children.

"I hate you! Zin! Mar holshi dahanli vas!" Cosmo's realize what he's doing and slaps him out of his state.

"Don't you dare use forbidden curses Thanatos she's dead you don't have to go beyond that." Thanatos. Cries. Feeling responsible for what happened to Childe and Zhonglis 2 children.

Zhongli and Childe looks at Thanatos knowing that he must feel reliable for what he did but they tell him it's not and it just happened. They still have 2 but are still heart broken about the 2 they lost. With that everyone went home. Thanatos hasn't spoken a word since they got home Teucer was worried and holds him close.

"Babe your not still upset on what happened look we all know you didn't do it and wants your fault." He looks at me with tears in his eyes and holds me close.

"Yea but the other fear was when she tried to hurt you or was going to but stopped her.i didn't want you hurt but instead." Teucer kisses him and smiles.

"It's ok Thanatos let's just get some rest and tall more tomorrow." With hat they head to bed unknown Thanatos was still unsure of what to do.


Thanatos my be slowly being corrupted again who knows what do you think also my hand is still in pain XD

Also no it's not the end of Nova Thanatos and Cosmo's mother.

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