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Hey guys again I'm gonna be posting a bit. things came up but don't worry I'll make sure to keep posting as much as possible love you all!


"Teucer please I'm sorry I love you I didn't this to lure her out and away from you and out daughter. I even got this. With that Thanatos goes on his knees and pulls out a ring box.

Teucer's eyes widen in shock not knowing how to react.

"I love you Teucer ever since we met in the past life please marry me my love." Teucer breaks free from Nova's spell and smiles he goes to run but gets stabbed in the chest.

"Teucer!!!!" Thanatos runs and catches him.

Everyone stands in shock Childe on the other hand was fuming with hate and anger for what Nova did to his brother. Nova laughs and disappears.

"Teucer hold on I'll heal you." Teucer stops him.

"Don't....save your powers for stopping Nova. Don't worry about me. Thanatos I love you always and forever....look after...our daughter..." Teucer stops breathing and his hand goes limp.

"Teucer!? TEUCER?!!" Thanatos breaks down crying as he holds Teucer's now lifeless body in his arms.

Zhongli and Barbatos walks over to him.

"Thanatos we maybe able to save him... however...since he wasn't reborn like everyone else. He....will have to be reborn and he'll have no memories but we can make sure he does. What do you say?" Thanatos looks to Childe.

"What do you suggest he is your brother thing is once he gets reborn you both won't be brother's anymore well you will when he remembers you but no longer blood related." Childe looks down.

"Sigh I'll go with reborn." Thanatos nods.

" Will as well." As we both decided. Barbatos and Zhongli start glowing and use there powers and sets time teucer then gets reverted as a baby. But then makes Teucer 15 but there was a slight problem they tried to give Teucer his memories only to find that there stolen we then hear Nova laugh evily before her laughing stops and vanishes.

"Damit" Thanatos looks at Teucer who is unconscious waiting for him to wake up but doesn't cause he has no memories so he won't remember any of them.

Suddenly he wakes up and sits up he is startled when he sees us.

"Who are you guys?!" I hold him close.

"Your my boyfriend and that there is your brother Ajax. And these guys are our friends. You lost your memories Teucer." Teucer looks at us and shakes his head.

"I don't believe you." Thanatos grabs Teucer's hand.

"It's true and we have a daughter named Tonia. Teucer I love you please trust in me." Teucer looks down. And backs up and runs off.

Thanatos runs after him.

"Teucer wait!" With that they run out of the house.

"Damit that bitch is gonna be ripped to shreds when I see her again." Childe says angerly. Zhongli holds him close and calms him down.

"I agree we need a plan to take her down" Aether says.


"Teucer wait! I'm not lying stop running and let me show you something." With that Teucer stops and looks back at Thanatos.

" Here I have pictures of us all together will you believe me now?" Teucer looks at them.

"But how....and why can't I remember." Teucer says looking at him.

"You died and got reincarnated but an evil person took your memories so that we would never be together even though we have a daughter." Teucer looks down.

"Sorry...." Thanatos walks over to him and holds him close.

"I'm scared..." Teucer softly says.

"Don't be I promise you'll be fine I'll take it slow." With that Thanatos kisses him. pinning him to the wall.

"Gasp wait if I've been reincarnated I would be a virgin again right?" Thanatos looks at him. Getting what he means.

"I would assume so. But I can fix that but not now we should in our room at home." Thanatos says but gets pulled back.

"No....have sex with me now... I want you to make love with me now it might jog my memories." Teucer blushes and looks down nervously.

Thanatos was shocked.

"I um. Well if that's what you want but since your a virgin again you no it's gonna hurt..." He nods silently.

" I trust you." Teucer removes his shorts and leans over against the wall.

Thanatos hesitates but walks to him softly holds him and gently as possible slides in him.

"Ugh ah! O-ow....." Thanatos holds him close. Trying to calm him down.

"I-im fine please don't stop." Thanatos nods. And goes all the way in.

"Teucer I'm gonna start moving alright?" Teucer nods Thanatos then starts moving in and out of him.

"Ngh gasp mmm...ah Thanatos...you can move faster then that." Thanatos then picks up pace and starts going faster.

"Ah mmm t-thana-ahh...gasp ngh it feels good." Teucer arches his back.

"Wait I want to look at you." Thanatos stops and sits and Teucer sits on his legs and makes Thanatos slide back into him.

"There now you can look at me when you fuck me." Thanatos blushes and rams him hard earning a yelp from him.

Thanatos then moved his hips and Teucer holds him.

"moans ah your so deep into me I can see your dick almost in my belly...ah Thanatos fill me up I want all you in me." Thanatos nods and thrusts more hitting a spot in him that makes him throw his head back he the. Cums. Knowing that he reached his max I start pacing more and holds him close and as I thrust hard into him filling his womb with my cum.

"Ah Thanatos gasp." Teucer clings to Thanatos as they both lay there breathing heavily.

"That felt amazing Thanatos now I see why I love you your so good at sex."Thanatos smirks.

"Well I do know all your sensitive spots as well." Teucer blushes.

"B-baka..don't say that.your always such a meanie" Thanatos looks at Teucer in shock.

"Wait Teucer do you remember finally?" Teucer nods and smiles.

Thanatos smiles and jumps on Teucer and kisses him deeply.

"We still leave alot of things let's have sex again. I'll fill you up more!"

"Wait Thanatos if you do....i-ah!"

With that Thanatos slides back into him and began fucking him again.

"T-thanatos wait ah...I'll get... pregnant again!" Teucer yells out.

"That's alright besides your used to having big families right babe?" Teucer blushes and covers his face with his hands.



With that Teucer and Thanatos fucked all night long and yea by the time they where done Teucer was bound to be pregnant once again. But that means nothing he would do it again if he wanted to.

But they must deal with Nova before they can get to happy with a bigger family.


Alright this was more of a softer fluffy sexy chapter what's a way to get someone to remember you by having sex until you remember XD.

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