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I keep listening to Senbonzakura and can help thinking about scaramouche and Kazuha dancing and singing to it XD.

A few months pass life was peaceful.

Kazuha was back to health and walking about and spending time with there son. Kazuha finally got his dream job and is now working with Aether as a idol side by side. There idol group now called Windy Autumn.

They released 3 new songs in the span of 4 months which was amazing fans have gone crazy and bought all there merch they knew Aether would return what they didn't know is that he came with a friend and new group.

They sold millions and had a few gigs. Our kids being of Corse number one fans of there mothers and got free seats to when they preformed live.

"Mommy are you preforming again tonight?"Aether smiles.

"Yes Xia but you can't come this time since I'll be preforming when your both in bed at 8. But you can watch it on the tv daddy will make sure you both see. Xia an Yao the son and daughter of Xiao Aether both pout and nods.

"Ok mommy ohh then can we have some almond tofu then!" Xiao laughs.

"We'll see you two." Aether then gets dressed and puts on his shoes.

"Sigh well I have to go kazuha will be waiting for me." Aether kisses Xiao and smiles and walks off.

"Eww kissy gross..." Xiao raises and eyebrow and smirks and walks over to them. You will be like that in the future you no having a girlfriend or boyfriend." They both shakes there heads.

"Giggles daddy tell us how did you and mommy meet?" Xiao blushes and and laughs.

"Are you sure you want to know it's a really long story. Well you see I served as a yaksha demon under the command of Morax who's name is now Zhongli. I was know as Adeptus Xiao conqueror of demons."

"Daddy what's....a-adep...tus?" Xia says.

"Well Adeptus are mythical beings with powers and protect the land. You two are actually half Adeptus. And Yaksha as well but after the whole rebirth we put up our weapons and visions we are in a new time. A time of peace."

"Wow! So cool!" They both smile and giggle.

Yea I can't tell them about when I served as a slave and slaughtered innocent lives of people. It would give them nightmares. And Aether would get made at me if I did.

"Oh uh your almond tofu is in the fridge why not go eat it." They both get excited and runs off.

"They remind me of you Aether so happy and energetic just like now and back then."

"Thank you for helping me today." "Have a good day Teucer." Teucer leaves the doctor's office and walks to Thanatos work place. And walks in.

"Hey babe. When do you get off?" Thanatos smiles.

"In 10 minutes want anything while you wait?" Teucer smiles and kisses him. I want a milkshake I'm kinda craving it."

You or the baby is say the baby and you." I laugh and look down at the small bump.

"So did you get the results back from the doctor?" Teucer smiles and nods.

"So you gonna tell me are we having a boy or girl?" Teucer keeps grinning.

"What are you hoping for first sweetie?" Thanatos smiles.

"Ah playing this game. Will either way I'm happy with what ever but I'd say I'd want a girl." Teucer beams happily.

"Well your correct." Thanatos smiles and hugs him.

"We need to tell your brother and everyone." Thanatos removes his apron and heads grabs Teucer and waves by to his manager. And heads to Childe and Zhongli's place.

Thanatos knocks on the the door. Zhongli walks over to the door and opens it.

" Oh hey you two what brings you here?" Teucer smiles

"We got the baby gender results." Childe runs past Zhongli and drags them in.

"Tell me Teucer is it a boy or a girl. Wait let me guess ummm girl! Wait no boy! No it has to be a girl!" Teucer smiles and laughs.

"Calm down bro. Zhongli would you like to guess." Zhongli smiles and sits

"Hm I'd like to say a boy." Teucer smiles and looks at Childe.

"Alright bro final decision?" Childe nods

"I also say boy as well." Teucer and Thanatos smiles.

" Giggles nope were having a girl ^.^" Childe and and Zhongli beams happily.

"Wow congrats bro. So any names for her?" Childe stops as Teucer looks down sadly. Zhongli and Thanatos look at Teucer in worry.

"Hey Teucer what's wro-....oh I see." Thanatos and Zhongli look at Childe in confusion.

"Teucer go ahead. I'm sure she'll be happy if you named her after her." Teucer looks up and tears up.

"Will she big bro? I hope so." Childe walks over and hugs him.

"I'm sure Tonia would be really happy." Teucer looks at him and smiles.

"Oh you two are probably wondering what where talking about. You see Ajax and I had 6 other siblings and the two name Tonia and Anthon were our siblings that we got along more with and card for. Unfortunately they weren't reborn with us. It is just me and Ajax." Both Zhongli and Thanatos look down.

"Sorry we couldn't let you see them again.." Thanatos seemed upset. Teucer smiles.

" It's fine I got to be with my big brother at least. " Childe's smiles and hugs him. Well If I have a boy next I can name him Anthon." Childe laughs. That's right." They both laugh.

"Oh big bro when are you and Zhongli gonna have kids?" Both Childe and Zhongli face goes bright red. And coughs nervously.

"About that Teucer Zhongli um...isn't like us humans and waits 9 months um sense he's practically a dragon in a way." Teucer stands there in confusion.

"Childe your confusing him. I'll tell him." Teucer looks at Thanatos.

"Zhongli lays eggs... Hes like a bird or in this case a lizard." Teucer does a (°o°) face. As he understands now.

"That's so cool my brother is gonna have kids that's gonna look like a dragon and human so cool!!!!!" Zhongli and Childe covers there faces in embarrassment.

"Teucer your wording is so messed." Teucer laughs.

"Ah sorry! Coughs so again when you having kids?" Childe blushes.

"When we do Teucer! We want a break before having kids!" They laugh and talked for hours and then they left and went home.

"Man Teucer kept asking alot of questions on how you have kids with a dragon..." Zhongli stays silent.

"Ajax...he's right I...waited thousands of years. And now.... I'm ready. I want kids now Ajax. You told me you want at least 4 or 5 kids well I can do so since I can lay at least that amount." Childe's face goes white.

"Wait yea I want 5 kids but not at the same time I wanted them seperate one at a time! Wait Zhongli stop removing my clothes! Zhongl-! Ah!"


Like I said this was more of a relaxing chapter before we go back into more chaos would you like more of these chapters later on? As a relax from seriousness?

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