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clacking your heels along the marbled floorings, you held a wine glass in one hand.

no, it isn't wine. it was just a fizzy pink soda, bubbles sizzling on the surface of the refreshing drink. you were far too young to handle a drink with alcoholic content at a social event.

the decorous gold details on the walls of the ballroom shone, the atmosphere enjoyable while the classical music plays at the background. the scene was breathtaking, it felt similar to being a princess in a fairytale.

everyone in the room looked fashionable and formidable, the classy might and grace ingrained in there own aura. they were all undeniably used to these kind of events.

swishing your full and flouncy skirt, you left your wine glass at a random table, the sparkle of the clear glass reflecting the dancing people from the other side of the room.

you absquatulated the ballroom.

you silently trudged your shoes on the hallways of the mansion. it was very empty and quiet, the light of the moon from the vast windows illuminating your lone figure.

you despised this life.

entering an empty ballroom, classical music was unexpectedly wafting through the air. the room felt... mysterious.

you entered the empty room, slightly touching the foundation of the quartz pillars with golden details solidly implanted through the ground.

you heard footsteps.

you sprinted the nearest pillar, as an attempt to hide your presence. the footsteps seemed to be getting closer, until it stopped.

you waited for a few seconds, before letting out a sigh of relief, peeking behind the pillar. your heart beat furiously inside its bony confinement, as you met a pair of eyes staring at you.

you immediately hid back your head, your gloved hand resting above your chest. your calm and collected thoughts suddenly shattered into fragmented pieces, as you broke out in sheer panic.

"i know you're there."

a smooth, soft and gentle voice echoed inside the almost vacant ballroom. only the two of you were the people inside.

you let out a defeated sigh, before retreating from the back of the pillar and showing yourself to him, a tinge of red on your cheeks.

he was sketching... the room? he paced along the marbled floorings, his pencil making swift strokes on the grainy paper while his eyes scanned the surroundings of the room.

"i- i'm sorry, i was wandering around. is this room perhaps off limits?" you asked from a distance, as he stood in the middle of the almost vacant room, looking at the high ceiling.

he didn't give you answer, but he only placed his own pencil and sketchbook down on a random table, before walking to the middle of the room.

"come here."

you obliged, walking towards the center of the room also. you stopped walking when he was a feet apart from you.

"what were you supposed to do here?"

"i'm supposed to be with my parents at the other ballroom... but keeping up with constant social interaction is quite tolling." you said in a rush, staring at his face.

as you observed him, he was wearing an outfit fit for a prince. his blonde fluffy hair was messily but attractively tied at the back, his hair going down to his shoulders.

"ah, that. do you hate social interaction?"

you pondered, clasping your hands and placing them in front of your chest. he awaited for your response, adjusting his gloves.

"...it depends. i don't mind dancing with the others, but they always strike up random conversations with me which makes me nervous."

he glanced at his sketchbook and pencil from behind, sighing before facing you again.

his face gracing a kind and gentle smile, he held out his hand to you, his head slightly bowed.

"may i have this dance, then?"

you took his gloved hand gently, as he pulled you towards him. he put a hand on your waist while the other clasped your own hand.

your face turned red upon the contact, in which he again flashed you that kind and gentle smile.

"no need to be flustered. i need a break from my sketching, so i hope you do not mind."

you just nodded at him, the red tinge on your face significantly fading off.

he gracefully and silently danced with you, sweeping your feet across the floor. there was something about his touch that made you feel gentle and relaxed.

you felt like a princess, and he was your prince. you glanced at his face, and you noticed that his eyes were closed.

you took the chance to stare at his features. he looked really, really pretty. admiring his face, he suddenly opened his eyes, as it briefly met yours.

a few minutes in and you were both lost in each other's eyes.

with the music coming to an end, he slightly dipped you down, his arm supporting your weight by the waist with a smile.

the door suddenly opened, a man formally dressed in a suit stoicly walking towards the blonde male.

he quickly balanced you on your feet, before facing the man in the suit.

"mr. kreideprinz, the guests are waiting for you."

he let out a sigh, before walking towards his sketchbook and pencil. he picked the items up swiftly, before following the man in the suit. you remembered that the blonde guy never told you his name.

"w-wait! i never got your name,"

eagerly looking at him, he gave you a mysterious glance, before finally walking outside. your hands fell from disappointment as the other man shut the door.

and there you were left alone in the empty ballroom, the music echoing inside as you stood under the shine of the bright, yellowy lights.


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