4 | absent-minded

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"i will revenge, (y/n). i swear to the archons, i don't like him! no one likes him!"

"whatever, childe."

you let out a sigh, walking towards the parking lot. childe was whining like a toddler, and you were considering on kicking his ass.

you spotted your brother's shiny car, so you ran towards it and deliberately knocked on the window hardly.

"oh dear big brother, did you miss me?"

the window rolled down. it revealed your scowling brother, scaramouche.

"can you just fucking get inside?"

you got inside, dragging childe with you in the backseat.

"oh hi, abnormal ginger giant." scaramouche greeted casually, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

childe rolled his eyes. watching them argue was amusing, you must admit.


"short man, look!"

the ginger kept annoying your brother. he poked his shoulder, a playful smile on his face. he was obviously being deliberately annoying.


with a loud voice, scaramouche responded from his car seat. "fuc- what do you want?!"

"just look!"

he glared at childe, at the same time stopping in front of his house. "what?"

"look at deez n-"

your brother moved the car a bit, threatening to not let childe get down the car.

"fine, fine! i'm going."

childe quickly hopped of the car, running towards their house. you laughed at your almost exploding from rage brother.

"what's funny? why are you even friends with that... that vile, creature?" he said, squinting while driving away.

"pfft, he was my childhood friend, remember? i even remember baking cakes with him during kindergarten,"

you remember playing with childe under the sun during first grade. your memories of kindergarten was quite hazy, but you were sure that you had a nice friend by then, who had younger siblings. of course, it was childe.

"...really? i don't recall you two being friends that early."

"hehe, that's because you have the memory of a grandpa." you gleefully stated, making him sigh.

he didn't answer you after that remark, so your giggles died down as you both arrived your house. it was quite large, you could even say it was a mansion.

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