15 | rain

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a week passed.

albedo was right, you were drunk when you asked him out. you didn't come running to him, and since that night, you didn't have time to meet up with him.

you were currently in your new apartment. you moved out of your house, and currently, you were moving in and fixing all your stuff. you were done with the interview, you got your driver's license in the mail, and you already even had your student id. the school will start in three weeks, but just like you, a lot of students were already trying to settle down to get ready. it was a cloudy day, and it even looked like it was going to rain.

you felt... more grown-up. moving out made you realize that you were no longer a dependent kid and that you were an adult now, all on your own. that made you a little sad.

nonetheless, you continued cleaning up. you did your laundry, which has piled up for quite a bit.

that peace was interrupted when you picked up a jacket. you didn't remember buying this jacket.

you sniffed it, trying to smell if it was clean. it smelled like alcohol, your perfume, and albedo.

memories of that night came rushing to your head. you asking him out, him declining, and telling you to just ask him when you were sober. that all happened a week ago.

you grimaced, embarrassed that you couldn't remember everything for a week. well, at least you still had time to keep your word.

you hastily finished doing laundry and lugged it all up to your apartment immediately after finishing. folding your laundry could be done next time. you quickly got dressed and went outside, on the way to albedo's house. you were so worried that you left him hanging onto empty words. the last thing you would want to do was hurt him.

after catching a cab, you were so impatient that you got off the car when you were still a few streets away from his house. you didn't want to give him a broken promise. you were going to get there to tell him before the day ends, and you were determined to do that.

while walking, the rain started to pour heavily, soaking you. instead of seeking shelter, you just ran, because you could already see his house from a distance.

you knocked on the door, breathless and wet. you prayed that he would answer the door, and he did.

it was albedo, in the flesh. his hair was messy and he was wearing glasses, donning a confused and worried expression upon seeing you.

"huh? what brings you h-"

you jumped on him, giving him a tight hug, getting him wet too. he tensed upon feeling your wet body hug him like it was the last day on earth, and relaxed after a few seconds. he remained silent, hugging you back.

"...you okay?" he mumbled, patting your back. he closed the door while you clung to him, breath heavy.

"i... sorry. i'm sober now." you clung onto him like he was your lifeline. your voice was muffled, your head buried on his shoulder. albedo hugged you harder, realizing that you ran here because of that night last week.

"pfft, you're so dramatic. you ran in the rain to tell me this?"

you nodded, breaking the hug. you took a good look at him, and he was also wet now. "pfft, dramatic. i'm sober now, i swear. no alcohol. now, um, can i be your girlfriend?"

you were so straightforward that it made him feel a little flustered. he removed his glasses, tossed them aside, and nodded.

"mm. that's valid. are you sure, though?"

you frowned. "do you not believe i'm ready? do i have to prove myself?"

"hehe, not like that. it's just so sudden, and i don't want you to do this just because you feel like you have to keep your word. you sho-"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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