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Behzinga and 7,817 others

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Behzinga and 7,817 others

Brookjones ahh I'm soo close but yet soo far my planes been delayed fuck sake!

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Behzinga omg I'm so excited to see you it's unreal.
Brookjones i know same. You better give me the biggest room.
Behzinga I'm afraid I do

Lucywilliams bitch I miss you already come back
Brookjones I miss you too girly x

Tobjizzle soo your the girl Ethan won't stop talking about?
Brookjones hii I'm brook but my friends call me brookie
Behzinga why can't I call you brookie and Tobi does
Tobjizzle hehe
Brookjones Tobi is fitter 😏

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