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I end the call with Lucy and make my way to the living room where Ethan is sitting watching the football. I sit beside him and he pulls me Into a hug. I snuggle into him slightly and sigh. " behz why do you act like you like me but yet you have a girlfriend" I said look up at him. He shrugs his shoulders. " just being nice" he says. I then think about the time we almost kiss. " even the almost Kiss" he pulls away from me. " brook nothing happened okay I know barley anything about you for anything to happy " I nod and sigh. " sorry." I stand up heading to the bathroom for a shower.

I get out the shower nice and fresh and look at my self in the mirror sighing. I brush my hair and add a tad bit of mascara when I hear a girls voice. I step out the bathroom and see faith all over Ethan in the living room. They both turn and look at me. Ethan gives me a massive smile and faith frowns at me. " can't you see we're busy here go back to being a whore somewhere else" she says. Ethan looks at her. " faith don't be rude" she giggles and goes back to kissing him. I scoff and walk about to my bedroom.

I throw on an old football top Tobi gave me and a pair of bicycle  shorts. I grab my laptop and look from some recording studios close by. There were loads. I smile and find one near by. I save it to my favourite as I start to feel a bit peckish. I shut the laptop closed and make my way to the kitchen. " okay Ethan I better go but thank you" Ethan chuckles. " anytime my love" he says giving her another kiss. I roll my eyes and start making my dinner. So what I was falling for my roommate and his girlfriend hates me. He's a hot guy who couldn't be in love with him.

The sound of the microwave beeping jumps me from my thoughts as the noodles are ready. I put them in a bowl and grab a pair of chop sticks and sit at the table eating my noodles. The view was spectacular. " I'm sorry about her" Ethan says. I turn to look at him and smile. " it's fine honestly" " also I'm sorry about early" he says afterwards. I sigh and stand up facing him. " my name is Brooklyn Jones but my friends call me brookie. My favourite colour is blue and my favourite tv is stranger things. I love dogs and cats and I've always wanted a pet raccoon. I can't cook for shit but always try too. I can bake very well just at certain things" I sigh and walk towards him. " I may not be faith but I know she isn't the one for you Ethan. "

I stare at him in his eyes. " fuck it" was all I said before smashing my lips onto his. He kisses back but soon pulls away. " and that's me" I said before grabbing my bowl of noodles and walking back to my bedroom. " shit" I mutter under my breathe. I just kissed my roommate......

Hey guys in my last Instagram book I did a few pages of smut would like it in this book or keep this one clean 🤣

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