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Miniminter and 108,177 others

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Miniminter and 108,177 others

Brookjones finally happy. I'm in love with you 🥰
Tagged miniminter

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Miniminter im so lucky to have you 😘
Brookjones me too baby me too X

Behzinga what the hell is wrong with you
Brookjones what are you on about
Behzinga your dating my best friend after kissing me
Brookjones you picked faith over me so yes at least he cares about me

LucyWilliams ahh I'm jealous
Brookjones he's a keeper
Lucywilliams @miniminter don't you dare hurt her or your balls are gone
Brookjones LUCY!
Miniminter I won't I promise

Jackrichards damn princess
Miniminter why you calling my girl princess
Jackrichards she'll always love me
Brookjones fuck off jack

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