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Behzinga and 7,727 others

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Behzinga and 7,727 others

Faithlouisak imagine kissing my boyfriend and thinking you can get away with it. Pahah pathetic

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I look at faiths Instagram and stand up slamming the door open. " ETHAN!" I shout. He stands up and comes running towards me. " brook I'm so sorry" he says defenceless. " no Ethan why did you tell her, you know she hates me as it is!" I shout at him. He goes to grab my hand. " ugh I kissed you cause I thought you liked me while decorating my room you went to kiss me and then you tell me you have a girlfriend." I laugh. The door opens but I ignore it. " Ethan she's a bitch can't you see that! she's using you for your money" A cough interrupts me and faith is standing with her hands on her hips. " you should leave brook you aren't welcome here". She says.

I look at Ethan. " I'm moving out Ethan this was a huge mistake." I said walking to my bedroom finding my suitcases to throw stuff I need into them. I hear Ethan arguing with faith. I grab my phone and think. I call Simon. " hey brook is everything cool." he says sounding happy. I sniff and a few tears fall. " can I come stay with you and JJ until I can find an apartment." I cry. " hey don't cry of course you can would you like me to come pick you up." he said helpingly. I nod. " yes please si make it quick I want out now" I hear him rummaging through things and a hear keys jingle. " I'm on my way now beautiful hold on wait downstairs for me." I smile. " Thank you Simon." I hang up and grab my cases and bags and open the bedroom door and I walk into the living room to see faith and Ethan sitting opposite sides of the couch.

" Brook" Faiths voice starts. " I just want to apologise, I shouldn't of treated you the way I did but I am a little angry you kissed my boyfriend but I forgive you please don't move out cause of me." I put my head down. " I am new here Faith all I wanted was to be friends I comment something nice on your Instagram and yet you then call me a whore and a slut when you don't even know me, so no I am moving out. " I turn to look at Ethan. " thank you for the room but Simon is downstairs waiting for me." I say. I grab the handle to my cases and walk out the apartment. I stand in the elevator when I get a text from Simon saying he's outside. The elevator makes a ting noise and I walk over to Simons Tesla.

" is that everything" he says grabbing my cases. I nod. " thank you for this" I said placing my bags in the backseat and sitting in the passenger seat. " no worries brook anything for you" he smiles. ( just wanna clear up Simon and Talia aren't dating). " Uh brook I was wondering if you wanted to go get some food." I look at him. " Si I'm wearing joggers and a jumper. How about tomorrow night" I said smiling looking at him. " I'd like that" he smiles. The drive back to Simon's and jj's flat was quite. " you'll need to share a room with me tonight it until we clear the spare room but if you ain't comfortable sharing I can sleep on on the couch." He says

I look at him. " I don't mind sleeping next to you, just dont try anything" I say smirking. He chuckles. " I'll try and keep my hands to myself" I giggle and we arrive to the apartment. I grab my bags and Simon grabs my cases. The elevator ride to his floor was quiet. I was tired and frustrated. The front door is flys open and JJ looks at me worried. " are you okay brook" I nod. My eyes water up and he comes over and hugs me. I hug back. I eventually let go. " imma go freshen up" I said I grab my cases and walk to Simon's room. I grab an outfit and go to bathroom and do my makeup. I take a picture and post on Instagram.


Miniminter and 60,188 others

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Miniminter and 60,188 others

Brookjones hiding my face as I can't be arsed anymore. Also how cute is my hair.

View all 54,827 comments

Miniminter is- is that my bathroom
Brookjones no shit
Miniminter Damn girl you moody

Ksi hurry up I need to shit
Brookjones use another one

Tobjizzle my bestie is fire 🔥
Brookjones love you tob

Lucywilliams who's the miniminter guy?
Brookjones my friend nothing more don't worry
Lucywilliams they all say that heh

User1 why she at Simon's
User2 cause she can there friends calm down bruv

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