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Brookjones and 687,288 others

Behzinga don't mind me just me and my friends celebrating brooks arrival. Welcome to London brookie

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Brookjones I told you only my friends get to call me brookie
Behzinga come on man we live together at least consider us as friends
Brookjones maybe I'll see

Wroetoshaw was lovely meeting you brook x
Brookjones nice meeting you and your girlfriend x

Tobjizzle Brookie is my bestie fuck off Ethan
Behzinga bro we are best friends come on
Brookjones hehe love you tobi


I look at Ethan and he looks at me annoyed. " you have only been here an hour and your already taking my friends away" he says sad. I giggle and walk over to him. He starts to smirk. I grab his beer and smile back. " deal with it" I drink the beer and walk back to my bedroom. I look around at all the boxes. " well I guess it's time to start" I walk over to my cases and tip them all out. " ETHAN!" I scream. I hear a sigh and footprints walking my way. He opens my door smiling but the smile soon disappears when he sees the mess. " can- can you help me get my room finished" I said smiling widely. He chuckles and nods.

He pulls my drawers over. " damn someone is strong" I said laughing. He rolls his eyes and he opens the drawers and helps me put my clothes away. He grabs a pair of Lacey thongs. My eyes widen. " Ethan Payne give me them back"  I say. He smirks and opens them. " mean god girl if you wore these I'd be happy" I roll my eyes and go to grab them. He pulls me on top of him and I look at him. We were inches apart. He was hot. But we only just met. He leaned in and went to connect his lips to mine until his phone rang. " I'm sorry brook." He lifts me off him and answers it. " oh shit it's uh it's my girlfriend" he says standing up and walking out.

I sit there shocked. Did he just say girlfriend even though we had a moment. I chuckle and roll my eyes. "He's just your roommate nothing else" I say to myself. God have I fucked up already

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