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I knock on ethans door. " Coming" he shouts. He opens the door and sees me. " oh brook, what's up" I barge through the front door and stare at him. He shuts the front door and stares at me. " brook" he says again. I sigh. " what I'm about to say will ruin our friendship or even worse yours and Simon's" Ethan looks confused. " what's going on brook" I giggle and a tear falls.

" Ethan I'm pregnant with your baby" he looks at me shocked. " are you sure it's mine" I nod. " I worked out from when my last period was and then how many weeks I am it it's you. ETHAN IM GETTING MARRIED to the man who thinks I'm carrying his baby when it's actually it's his best mates." I fall on to  his couch and cries. " brook it's going to be fine he doesn't need to know" I look at him. " urgh your pathetic Ethan don't tell him. I got to tell him. I cheated. I can't marry him if I hated on him I'll never forgive myself."

He looks at me. "Brook I love you and always have love you." I stare at him. I stand up and sigh. " tell faith she's deserves to know" I walk to the door. " oh and Ethan don't tell Simon I'll do it tonight" I walk out the flat and sigh. I walk towards the flat and walk in and stare at Simon. " ca- can we talk Simon" he stands up and looks at me. " what's wrong brook" I let tears fall. " that night after the party faith didn't stay the night it was just me and Ethan. Simon" he looks at me with tears forming. " I cheated you with Ethan and uh Simon I'm pregnant with his baby"

He drops the drink that was in his hand and steps away from me. " si I'm so sorry" he chuckles as tears fall. " why'd you say yes, I wanna know the truth why'd you say it" he said started to get angry. " cause I love you Simon. I don't love Ethan. It was one night which was a mistake" I look at my ring and start sliding it off my finger. " no you stay here imma go stay at viks tonight" I look at him. He shakes his head and walks out the  front door and slams the door shut.

About 30 mins later there is a knock on the door. I open it and faith stares at me. " you fucked my boyfriend" she then punchs me. She scoffs and looks at Ethan who's behind her. " we're done. Fuck you" she turns to look at me. " fuck you too" he walks away and I look at Ethan holding my cheek and cry. " what have we done Ethan." He grabs me. " come on let's go to mine. " I nod and he grabs  me and drives me back. " please keep the baby" I look at him. " I will. It's our baby Ethan. I love her/him already even though they have destroyed our life but it's fine. " we reach the apartment and I just walk upstairs without Ethan and just go to his room locking the door.

What the fuck am I going to do

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