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I sit in my new apartment scared. I was all alone. I lost the man I loved and now I'm pregnant with that man I thought loved. My front door is knocked and I make way to it. I slowly open the door to be faced with a very angry looking Harry. " what's your fucking problem" he shuts walking into flat. " hello to you too haz" I said shutting the door and facing him. He laughs . " you cheated on Simon and are now pregnant at 20!" He shouts. I look at him. " stop acting like my brother if I never moved to London you would never knew I existed soo back off"

He looks at me dead in the eye. " you brook have just ruined the best thing your ever gonna have and I'm being the best brother  I could be but I'm so disappointed in you. How could you do that to Simon especially with his best mate" I tear up. " cause I was drunk and I'm so sorry for messing up but I'm not in the mood for this if you ain't gonna calm down leave now" he looks at me and shakes his head disappointed in me. " your such a disappointment brook" with that he walks out my flat slamming the door shut.

I sit onto my couch and just cry. He's right. I've fucked everything up already. I'm going to be 21 when the baby comes and I don't even have a proper job yet. How do I support my baby. I grab my phone and look at simons contact. I should call him but I can't but I need someone. I sigh and exit his contact and call someone else. It rings for a while but soon there is an answer. " brook can I call you back I'm currently at the gym" I let more tears out. " Ethan please I need you" I cried.

" hey it's okay darling I'm coming hold on" he says I can hear him rattling his car keys. " don't be long Ethan" I say. " baby I'm coming don't worry" he hangs up the phone and I just grab a cover and cuddle into  and cry. I feel myself fall asleep. " brook" someone said shaking me. " brook wake up I'm here" Ethan said. I open my eyes and look at him. " I'm so sorry" i rub my eyes and he sits next to me. " no it's okay what happened" he said rubbing my stomach. " Harry he came here and started shouting at me." He looks at me raising an eyebrow.

" he called me a disappointment cause I'm pregnant with your baby instead of simons"  he shakes his head. " brook your not a disappointment, your amazing. I'm so grateful to have you as my baby mumma." I look at him and smile. " please stay the night with me I don't wanna be alone" he nods and hugs me tight. " of course" I cuddle further into him and sigh. " how am I going to do this Ethan. I'm 20 jobless and pregnant" he strokes my hair. " brook I'm going to support you have money I can support you. Yes your young but we can do this. I'm never ever going to leave you" he said looking down and smiling. I smile and hug him tight. " can we play Xbox"

He chuckles. " of course we can is your Xbox in your room" I nod and he walks away and gets it. I grab my phone and smile. He comes back and sets the Xbox up " you ready for me to beat your ass" I nod. " yes yes" he smiles and starts a game.

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