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I cuddle into Ethan and sigh. " you good" I look up at him and nod. " you know there is a baby growing inside me" he smiles and we hear a knock at the door. I push my self off the couch and make my way to my front door. I swing the door open and I see Harry. " your not a disappointment, your gonna be the best the most beautiful most amazing baby mother ever!" I look at Harry and smile. I step forward and hug his waist. " you know your really small right" I look up at him. " you've only just figured this out" he smiles at me and laughs.

I see Ethan walk to us at the side of my eye. " soo are yous too a thing now then" I shake my head no. " no we're just friends" he looks at me. " I think yous should just date your cute together, imma go now enjoy your" he looks to see the snacks and a movie. " enjoy your date night" I smile and shake my head. " bye bogg" he walks away  and smile in response.  I shut the door and turn to Ethan. " well hey there" I said smiling. He looks at me smiling. " hey" we stare at each other for a good while. " soo then" I said giggling.

" can I kiss you" I look at him and smile. " of- of course you can" he leans down and slowly connects our lips. I put my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He picks me up bridal style and I giggle. He walks me to my bed and lays me down gently. " nap time" I giggle and nod. " oh god yes" he laughs and takes his top off and his bottoms off. He laid next to me in his boxers. " can you help me" he nods. He slides my top off and my leggings and grabs me a pair of shorts. Soo I'm wearing a sports bra and shorts. I may next to Ethan and stare at him. " enjoy your nap baby daddy" I shut my eyes and I feel kiss on my nose.

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