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 Behzinga and 728,288 others

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Behzinga and 728,288 others

Brookjones he thought he could beat me bullshit I won. Thank you for coming over though Ethan. 💕

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Behzinga of course brookie always
Brookjones nope your still not at the brookie stage
Behzinga not at that stage! Bitch we are having a baby

User1 are yous dating?
Brookjones nope just friends

LucyWilliams you actually won a game for once
Brookjones yes I did believe it or not
Lucywilliams damn I'm shocked man one.

Miniminter careful Ethan she acts like she doesn't know what she's doing and bam she wins
Behzinga I figured that out. She should join the football team
Miniminter better than all of us 🤣

Wroetoshaw I'm so sorry brook for hurting you
Brookjones okay

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