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The light of the sunshine through the blinds and I blink a few times and stretch out I feel simons body beside me and I go in and snuggle into him. Simon felt really buff this morning he must of done a lot of work last night. I kiss his chest and he makes a noise. Except it wasn't simons voice. I look at the Body and see tattoos. I quickly wake up and see Ethan next to me naked and I look down and see my exposed naked body. oh fuck I slept with Ethan Payne. Maybe we should go back In time to get to this point.

Flash back

" come on brook your steaming" Ethan said trying to get me to go home with Simon. I shake my head no. " imma stay here longer I'll be fine, if I'm not home si don't stress I'll be with Lucy." He nods and kisses me and walks out with JJ. Myself Harry and Ethan sit at the table and take a few shots each. " eek that's horrible" I said scrunching up my nose. " fuck I think Lucy left without me"Ethan looks around and looks at me. " you can stay at mine tonight." I nod.

The walk to Ethan's was funny. Every lamppost we saw we had to do a lap dance too. " Ethan your doing it wrong" I said before falling on my ass. He looks at me and laughs. " what you doing on the floor" I look at the floor. " to be fair though" he looks at me. " really you stole vik's line." I nod. " if vik was single I'd smash him wouldn't you " I said to E he thinks for a second and then nods. " aye probs" we reach his apartment and I flop onto his couch.

" I'll go get my room sorted you can sleep there" he walks away and I stand up and follow him. I lean my head and watch him. I walk forward and turn him around. " hey brook is everything okay" I hold his shoulders and stare into his eyes. Ever get that moment when you just can't help but stare I'm in that moment. I lean forward and see behz moving forward as well. Our noses touch together and I lean to the side and connect our lips. His lips were perfect. The way they moved perfectly I could stop.

My hands slip down his body and I pull his top over his head. He looks at me and depends the kiss. My top is soon removed and I'm picked up and laid on the bed. ( think you can guess the rest)

End of flashback

I look at Ethan and sigh. " fuck" I whisper. I grab my clothes and put them on. I tip toe out his room. " brook where you going" I scrunch my nose and turn around. " hey Ethan" l look at him he stands up and his covers fall and everything is shown. My eyes widen and I cough. " eh omg why am I naked" I look at him and raise an eyebrow. " use your fucking brain" I walk out his room slamming the door shut and head to simons. I open the door and he's standing there staring at me.

" where have you been!" He shouted. " I stayed at Ethans but don't worry faith was there" I lied. He smiles and walks over to me and kisses my lips. " I'm glad your safe" god how could I lie to him.

Sorry my uploads have been dead but I'll be uploading more.

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