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Brookjones while he works out I'm sitting on a bench fat and eating Pringles. Oops 🙊
Tagged behzinga

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Miniminter your not fat your just pregnant don't call yourself fat
Brookjones I'm only 16 weeks and I'm massive
Behzinga aha your not massive your over reacting
Brookjones bish you see if I push out a 10 pound baby I'll hate you for life!

Faithlouisak he's soo fit
Brookjones yup is indeed
Faithlouisak so yous two dating now since I'm off the picture
Brookjones not really a convo I want to have over my comment section.

Lucywilliams girl Pringles are amazing
Brookjones exactly my point

Behzinga who's that sexy man
Brookjones what sexy man I don't see no one
Behzinga ouch that hurt

Wroetoshaw can we talk yet
Brookjones soon but just not yet Harry


Faith is bold and brook is normal

Soo you dating my ex

No faith we are just friends

I call bullshit no way are yous having a baby and ain't even kissed or had sex

Exactly my point we haven't. Yes we both have admitted to liking each other I just ain't ready for a relationship

Ah my sloppy seconds.

Bitch please just leave me alone I already hate myself and my life as it is so please just leave me alone or unless you want to be my friend

I liked you brook I know I seemed like a bitch at the start but I did like you! But you fucked my boyfriend and told him your pregnant

I'm so sorry I'm a fuck up faith you don't need to explain the situation to me again! My own brother already called me a disappointment So please leave me alone


No faith I get it I ruined your relationship but I always ruined my own

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