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" Jesus" I moan to Freya. " what's wrong babe" I shake my head. " ever since getting pregnant everything just gives me a headache and this music isn't helping" she holds my hand. I search around the club and couldn't see Ethan. " hey Freya have you seen eth" she looks around too. " no I'm sorry" I stand up. " imma go look for him" she smile and tells me to be careful.

I step foot on the dance floor and is immediately crushed by people dancing. " Ethan" I shout no response. I spot my brother at the bar and I think my boyfriend as well. I feel someone touch my shoulder and I turn around and am faced with a man and a woman. " hey is everything okay" I said to them smiling. They shake their heads no. " please help us, our friend outside is hurt and we need someone to phone an ambulance " I grab my phone from my pocket. "'Okay I don't have service in here let me go outside and call them for you" they nod and follow me outside.

I grab my phone and turn the phone on. " you won't need to do that" I look at the man confusingly. " but your friend" they laugh. " there is no friend" I begin to panic. " right okay imma go inside and get my boyfriend" I say heading towards the door. " I don't think so" the woman says. I begin to shake. " please don't hurt me I'm pregnant" they laugh. " even better" my biggest fear happens and the man kicks me causing to fall to the ground in pain.

Ethans POV

" Harry bro imma go back to the table so I can be with brook" Harry nods and I make
My way to Freya and see brooks not there. " where brook Freya" I say concerned. " she was looking for you have you not seen Her" I shake my head worried. " fuck" I run to Harry. " please tell me you have seen brook" I say to him. He shakes his head. " where the fuck is my pregnant sister ethan" Harry shouted. " I don't know" I say. " you don't know" he pushes me against the bar. " you better find her or else" he says. " there's a pregnant girl outside idk if she's dead or alive but she's badly hurt" a random person shouted outside.

Me and Harry look at each other and run outside. There laid brook covered in blood. " omg" I ran over to her and shook her body. " wake up brook please" I touched her bump to see if I could feel a heartbeat but there was none my baby wasn't moving either. " you son of a bitch" Harry grabbed me by the throat and threw punches at my face. I hear the ambulance in the background and ignore it and push Harry to the floor and punch him back. " right fucking stop it" josh said pulling me away from Harry. I look at Harry and shake my head. " honestly you too grow the fuck up your sister and girlfriend is currently being taking away by an ambulance and your too busy too see that cause your fighting like kids" josh said. I watch the ambulance leave.

" who's Way with her" I ask. " Simon, cause he seems to be the only one who cares right now" josh walks away from me and Harry. " if my sister is dead or even my niece or nephew this is on you , you forced her to come out. You should of watched her" Harry shook his head at me and walked back inside the club. I called and Uber. The Uber seemed to take ages I couldn't get the thought of my girl lying dead on a hospital bed. The Uber finally arrived and I get in. " the hospital please and quick" the Uber driver nods and drives as fast as he can. I look at phone to see if simons texted me but there was nothing.

I arrive at the hospital and pay the Uber a nice tip and run inside to the front desk. " Brooklyn jones" I say. The nurse looks at the computer. " she's currently in trauma room 2 but there's a man sitting in the waiting room outside " I nod thank you and run in the direction the signs tell me." Ethan I'm here" I turn to see Simon. He's holding her jumper. It was covered in blood. He sees me staring at the jumper and hides it. " don't look at that okay" I nod and look at him. " Is everything okay" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders. " not been told anything" the nurse walks out and walks over to us. " Brooklyn jones " we both look at her. " hi guys , brook is fine she's stable and is connect to an oxygen tank just to help her breathe" we both sigh in relief. " and the baby" I say.

" we're still looking for a heartbeat. Since Brooklyn was soo badly hurt we think it's hurt the baby as well if we can't find a heartbeat soon we're going to have to operate" I close my eyes and shake my head. " fuck, can  I see my girlfriend" I ask. She nods and leads me the way brook is. I look behind me and Simon is following me . We walk into the room and there is a doctor holding a ultrasound machine trying to find the baby. I ignore him and walk over to brook. " baby" I say. She turns to look at me. "  is - is our baby dead" I shake my head no. " I don't think soo okay, let's just have hope."

It's been about 15 mins since I seen brook and we are now cuddling best we can. " hi I'm dr young and I'm going to check your baby's heartbeat one last time" she said with a sad look. I saw brook tear up and touch her bump. " come on baby. Do it for mummy and daddy" the dr puts the cold gel on my stomach and looks at the screen moving the baby heartbeat ultrasound machine around ( don't have a clue what's it's called ah) it's been about a good 10 mins and still nothing. " noo please" brook cried and then out of the blue we heart the most perfect sound. Our babies heartbeat.

Oooh that's the end of part 1

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