Chapter one

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"Omega slow down!" You smiled at the child as she pulled you.

"Hurry up, the clones are lining up!, I wanna see them!" She smiled up at you.

"We have all the time in the world Omega" you looked at her.

Omega smiled as she walked through the door to see her mentor, Nala se.

"Omega!" Nala se looked down at the small human "pleasure to see you (y/n)".

You smiled up "hello Nala se!, how's the clones?" You asked.

Nala se turned to see the clones lining up "you tell me little one!".

You smiled as you walked up to the glass and looked down at the clones. You soon saw a batch that wasn't like the rest of the clones.

The one with a red bandanna stared up at you. You slowly lost your smile till your realize omega wasn't near you "stars! This child!" You walked out of the room to look for Omega.

After a while you finally found her "omega!" You walked up to her "Nala se is looking for you!".

"But I wanted to meet Hunter!" She looked up at you.

You looked at the clones "sorry if she's bugging you guys" you smiled "omega tends to wonder off".

"It's fine" the one with the red bandanna said softly.

You smiled at the squad before walking off with omega "come on, Nala se needs you", you turned your head back to see one of the members staring at you.

"You ok?".

"Hm?" You looked at omega.

"You ok?" She asked again.

"Yea" you smiled and walked with her.

~time skip a few days~

You were sleeping quietly till you heard shuffling, you groaned "omega sleep!" You said as you turned into your side, you tried to block out the shuffling till your heard a click.

You quickly opened your eyes and sat up fast to see a clone pointing his blaster at you.

"Foxy" you said.


You took a couple breaths before throwing your blanket on him and darting to the door, as you were about to make it out, the clone shot at the panel, making the door close on your arm "AHH!".

You grabbed your arm and pulled which made it hurt more, you looked through the gap to see him walking.

You closed your eyes and screamed in pain as you got yourself free, you held your arm close to your body as you made to way to the hanger.

"(Y/n)!" Omega ran up to you "what happened!?" She asked.

"Hunter!" The one with goggles pointed to the doors.

"Everyone on the ship!" Hunter pointed.

You turned your head to see him, Foxy who walked in, his helmet under his arm, his sniper in his hands.

You began breathing heavy which omega saw "hey (y/n), Hold on!, we're almost to the bunk-".

She was cut off by you falling down and passing out.

After a while you slowly woke up to the pain in your arm, you groaned as you looked around the small room "omega?" You said weakly as you rolled into your good arm. "Omega?" You said again.

"She and the rest of the squad went out".

You groaned in pain as you turned to see Echo "where?".

"The market" he said as he walked up to you with a cup "drink".

You slowly sat up and took the cup from him "what's in it?" You asked.

"Tea and a little bit of antibiotics mixed".

"Mixed?" You raised an eyebrow as you took a sip.

"Wrecker doesn't like to take the antibiotics so we mix it with something for him".

Echo took the cup and watched as you laid back down.

"Sorry for coming on the ship" you chuckled.

"It's fine" he looked at you "what were you running from?" He asked.

You slowly started to nodded off "....the past" you said softly before falling asleep.

Luna (the bad batch x reader) Where stories live. Discover now