Chapter two

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~couple weeks later~

Hunter was standing while tech was checking your arm. "Looks alright, swelling went down a bit" tech said as he softly touched your bruised arm, making you wince, "can you move your fingers?".

You slowly moved your fingers only to bite your lip hard, hunter watch as you relax your hand "it's hurts" you whimpered.

"You'll be fine" tech said as he began wrapping your arm up.

"So how long?" Hunter asked.

"About a month.... or two, depends on how much stress you put on it".

You smiled at tech as he finished bandaging your arm, you held your arm close to you and you stood up and squeezed past hunter to see omega.

"Omega!" You called for her as you walked to the back to see her and Wrecker sleeping, you leaned against the doorframe and smiled.

"Well looks like they both tucker each other out".

You jumped and turned to see hunter "Hunter!, you scared me".

"Sorry about that" he looked down at his brother and the child.

"I'm sorry for coming on the ship, I wasn't expecting Foxy to be there" you said softly.

"Hey it's fine" hunter looked at you.

You smiled before walking up to omega to pick her up.

"Wait!, I'll get her" hunter walked up to omega and picked her up, he walked over to his bunk and laid her down, you walked up to her and carefully covered her which hunter watched.

You smiled softly as you pushed her hair out of her face.

"You really care for her".

You looked at hunter and smiled softly "well yea, she was the only person to be my friend on Kamino".

"Why were you on Kamino?" Hunter tilted his head as he watch you duck under his arm and walked to the cockpit.

"I don't know, I was out doing my own thing and next thing I woke up on Kamino" you sat down in the co-pilot seat as Hunter and Tech stood behind you.

Tech watched as you began touching buttons.

"What happened?" Echo turned to you.

You reached up and pulled a laver "I was just minding my own business, enjoying life till something hit my village and next thing everything went black". You turned in your chair "all I remember is waking up to my whole body hurting, Nala se and omega".

Hunter, tech and Echo looked at each other before going their own way.

~time skip a few hours~

Everyone was sleeping quietly as You were sitting in the co-pilots chair, just watching the stars.

"What are you doing up still?".

You jumped and turned to see echo holding a cup, "I couldn't sleep" you smiled.

Echo gave you the cup before sitting down "so your just sitting here watching the star?".

"Why not!" You smiled and took a sip "this taste good".

"Yea that I picked up on our last supply run" he said as he leans back "the shop owner said it's supposed to  help with sleep".

You smiled and relaxed with him "also you guys need to stop sneaking up on people".

Echo laughed a bit, Soon you and echo began talking.

"Wait wait wait!!" You turned your head to echo "how did wrecker survive that!!".

"Beats me" echo laughed, he turned his head to see you shiver a bit "you cold?" He asked.

"A bit" you smiled.

"Hold on" he said as he stood up and disappeared into the back, you took a deep breath and looked out at the stars again. After a few minutes echo came back with a blanket, you smiled as he covered you with it.

You looked at the patterns on the blanket "this is beautiful".

"Yea, it's the only thing that I have that feels like home" he sat back down.

You looked at him "is that the same with wreckers lula?".

"Wrecker had lula for a long time" echo smiled softly.

You took a deep breath before getting comfortable again "hey echo...".


"Thank you".

Echo turned to see you sleeping quietly, he smiled and stared at the stars.

Luna (the bad batch x reader) Where stories live. Discover now