Chapter Eighteen

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And yes I'm torn between tech and hunter.... So its gonna be kinda hard to end this book...

when I first started this book, it was just gonna be reader falling for hunter but now you guys want tech .... So yea that gonna be hard to pick...)

"AHH!!" You spun around while blocking mauls attacks. That's when you pushed him back and pulled your saber apart, you soon knocked him down and stuck your sabers in the wall by his shoulders to keep him down.

Maul looked up at you before laughing, you tilted your head till you got impaled, you looked down to see your mother's saber.

"Again!" She said.

You groaned before waking up. You stared up at the bed before getting up.

Tech squeezed past wrecker.

"Tech!" You called for him.

"Yes!?" He looked over at you before digging in a box.

You took a deep breath "nothing... it's not important".

Tech stopped and turned to you "there's something on your mind?". He crawled over to your bed and sat on the edge.

You looked down at your hands "you remember when I said... that there's a battle going on in my head?".

"Yea... the one of your mother and father" he looked at you.

"My father is strong and hits hard... while my mother is fast on her feet" you looked up at him with soft eyes. "How do I keep up with them?".

Tech was distracted by your eyes, you waved your hand in front of his face before slapping his shoulder.

"Sorry what?".

"Never mind" you said while getting out of bed.

Tech quickly grabbed your hand "please...".

You sat down "I wanna become stronger and faster" you looked at him. "I wanna train harder".

"Why?" Tech asked.

"Each time I see my parents. they don't go easy on me and it's pissing me off cause when I take one down the other comes up behind me!" You said before standing up and wrapping echos blanket around you "I need more power".

~time skip~

It was wreckers turn to help you train.

"Oh!" Omega said as she watched wrecker slam you against a tree.

As wrecker backed up, you slowly slid down while groaning.

"Come on!" Wrecker held his hands up.

You grit your teeth as you slowly got up but end up falling in pain.

Hunter stood up which made echo walk over to you.

"You ok?" He asked while you shook your head for a no. "Can I see?" He asked again. Hunter, tech and Wrecker walked up to you guys.

You winced when echo moved your arm and lifted your shirt to reveal a giant red bruise.

"I-it hurts".

"Shh" echo said softly, he lightly put pressure on it which made you cry out in pain.

"What happened?" Hunter asked.

"Well it seems that wrecker accidentally broke her ribs" Echo turn to his brother before turning back at showing hunter. "You see!".

"(Y/n)! I'm sorry!" Wrecker looked at you.

Luna (the bad batch x reader) Where stories live. Discover now