Chapter five

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(Sorry for the long ass chapter, I couldn't help myself)

"Yes im a Jedi... well padawan" you said softly.

"Padawan?" Omega looked at you "what's a padawan".

"A Jedi in training" tech looked at Omega.

"Don't padawan's have braids?" Echo asked.

"I.. I cut mine off when I left the Jedi temple" you turned and moved your hair to the side to reveal a short strain of hair. You took a deep breath. You turned back in your chair "I was looking for my mothers sabers..".

"I thought you get them when your young?" Echo tilted his head.

"We do.. just not me.. for some reason" you looked up at him "I can feel one but the other I'm having trouble finding".

"Wait?" hunter stood up "who is your mother!?".

"I don't really know but what I heard, she a Mandalorian" you looked at him.

"How do you not know your parents?" Omega asked.

"What I heard, my mother gave me up" you looked at her "before she died".

"Your father?".

"Don't know him, people say he's a Mandalorian.. others say he's a jedi" you looked at hunter "father ran when I was born".

"Back to the sabers, why are you looking for them?" Hunter kneeled down while looking at you.

"my mother took one and hid it somewhere, the other one I don't know where it is, some say my father still has it, the other say it's lost in space". You looked down at your hands "the other padawans would make fun of me cause I didn't get mine".

"How did you know?" hunter tilted his head.

"The sabers?" You lean closer to him "i can feel it, when me and a group of padawans were getting our crystals, all of them found theirs, I didn't".

~flash back~

"We have to practice together when we get out sabers?".

You smiled as you walked close to your master. You felt your master hand on your shoulder which made you look up at him.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yes master!" You smiled.

Your master nodded as you and everyone ran in to find their crystals. You ran around trying to feel where your crystal was which you couldn't.

After sometime you were curled up against the ice wall "M-master" you said softly as you breathe on your hands to keep warm. "I.. I can't find it".

~end of flash back~

"After a couple try's that's when I started feeling it was somewhere else" you smiled softly.

"What about crosshairs?" Hunter asked softly.

"My adoptive parents died..he caught me trying to pickpocket him" you smiled at the thought. The way you gave him puppy eyes. "I called him foxy.. cause he was fast and sneaky". You looked at your hands again. "He would call me his Luna..".

"His moon" echo said softly.

"He may be a clone but he was the best dad I ever had" you smiled. "It broke my heart when I left him to become a Jedi".

"The village you mentioned" hunter got closer to you.

"The village.. I was getting answers.." you licked your bottom lip "till droids attacked" you tried hard not to cry "I tired to save them, but without my sabers I couldn't" you looked back at hunter "that's why I need them or just the one for now".

"Where did you say your saber are?" Echo said as he sat down in the pilot chair.

"That's the thing" you turned to him "I need a holomap to see where it is, sadly you guys don't have one".

"Well what do you expect, this ship is old" tech looked at you "unless".

"Unless we land somewhere and get the holomap components" you looked at him.

"we have to scavenge old wreckage.. it's gonna be much harder tho".

"But we can build a holomap on the ship!".

Tech snapped his fingers "Or we can hook it up!".

"Ether way, it's perfect!" You cupped his face before taking off to the back where wrecker is.

Tech swallowed "well" He said as he sat down next to echo and began typing in the coronets.

~couple weeks later~

"Exiting out of hyper space!" Echo called out.

You groaned as you rolled over and put the pillow over your head "five more minutes!".

"If you want these components, get up!" Tech grabbed your pillow and hit you with it.

You groaned as you grabbed the pillow and stuffed it under your head.

Wrecker quickly scooped you up in his arms which made you squeak, you smiled once you saw omega in his arms.

"Good morning!" She smiled.

"Morning" you looked up to see wrecker smiling big "morning to you big guy" you pat his chest before getting out of his grip, you watched as wrecker took omega to the cockpit.

You walked to the back of the ship to change into clothes that echo got you, you quickly changed and met the guys as they landed.

Hunter and tech were talking as you exit out the ship.

"Woah!" Wrecker said which caught hunter's attention.

You walk up to them while fixing your belt "its not bad for what echo could find" you smiled.

"So that's what a Jedi looks like!" Omega ran up to you.

You smiled as you kneeled down.

Tech bump hunters shoulder which he shook his head "alright, me and wrecker will stand guard as you and tech get that holomap up and going".

You stood up and nodded.

"What can I do!?" Omega looked up at hunter.

"You stay on the ship with echo".

"But hunter!".

"Hunter is right omega" you put your hand on her should which made her look up at you "next one you'll come with".

"Let's go!" Hunter said.

You cupped your face "be good to echo" you smiled before standing up and jogged over to to the team.

Luna (the bad batch x reader) Where stories live. Discover now