Chapter 16

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A few days had passed and Lilly came home from the music school once again. She went there everyday and had already chosen an instrument! The one she had found the most fascinating was a pretty silver transverse flute and she was learning now everyday to learn to play it. She slid out of her sneakers and hung her coat up in the hallway as she was about to head up the staircase but stopped when she heard two voices speak in the living room. She perked up and turned around, silently sneaking over to take a peek into said room.

She saw Vash and Roderich both sitting very closely to each other on the couch, both leaning forward with expressions full of suspense as they stared onto Vash's laptop on the coffee table. She really felt bad for acting like this but none of them ever told her about things so she had no other way but to find out on her own! Concentrating hard she could now hear exactly what her brother murmured.

"This is it... This is the response email... Should I open it?" He asked Roderich and gulped only to feel the brunette nudge at his arm. "Do it, do it, you don't know if its to turn you down yet, don't get discouraged." the taller one spoke to him and after another moment of hesitation Vash's hand moved with the mouse across the table and he pressed left click. Both of them seemed to hold their breath and when they seemed to have finished reading, Vash whipped his head around to Roderich with a completely puzzled expression on his face. Roderich returned his gaze but then broke out in a smile and surprisingly so did Vash. "I got it! I got it! You read that too right?! It says I got the job!" The blonde exclaimed abruptly as he stood up and had a grin on his face.

Roderich, whose joy only grew at seeing Vash's smile stood up as well putting his hands on the others arms. "You got it!" He exclaimed with him but his voice quite a bit calmer. They both looked into each other's eyes and maybe because he was overjoyed or maybe because of something else after all, Vash threw himself into Roderich's arms almost knocking them both over. Immediately Roderich wrapped his arms around the shorter male and he chuckled. In complete bliss he didn't even think twice when he bent down a bit closing his eyes, he could only hear his loud heartbeats.

Softly he laid his lips upon the others who froze immediately and looked at him with big eyes. After a second of realizing what was happening, Vash trembled his eyes shut and kissed back without much thought. Too right was what he felt in his chest, the joy from earlier slowly turning into a heartthrob and an almost disgustingly warm feeling in his chest. The kiss had first only been a mere brushing together of their lips but when Vash grabbed at the cravat of Roderich and pulled him down further, Roderich also didn't hold back. His arms wrapped around Vash's waist and the Swiss sighed into the kiss, his cheeks flushed a pretty shade of red contrasting hard with those glowing green eyes. Since the kiss lasted longer than expected, Roderich removed his glasses with one hand so that they would stop being in the way before gently pushing Vash on the couch, he himself falling right after to stay on top of him.

Lilly now had her mouth wide open and at this point couldn't see them anymore so she carried a shaking hand to her mouth and turned away into the hallway again. What the hell?! Hadn't they fought like mad just a few days ago?! Was....was that how her brother liked romances?! She gulped and made her way up the stairs with a puzzled expression on her face. It wasn't that she was against men loving men it was just a bit surprising to her that it was her father of all who would end up taking the heart of Vash. She knew that he had put immense trust in him by letting him take care of her, more than anyone else but she didn't think there'd have been more to it. After all the man had been married several times...or was that precisely why none of his marriages lasted? Her mind was racing with thoughts but she shook it wildly, her short hair all in her face now. "What're you doing?" She then heard a voice and turned her head to face Hubert who was standing in the doorframe of his room with a bunny plushie. He..didn't know about that right?! She swallowed before answering the tiny boy with a shaky smile. "It's nothing.... I just stubbed my toe earlier and uh....concentrated so that I wouldn't scream and wake you!" she said and relaxed upon having given him such explanation.

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