Rise and shine

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Musa POV:

The early morning alarm bells woke me up, and I sat up on the bed cheerfully and stretched my arms to my body's contentment. From the next room, Umme Qulsum's alarm bells continued ringing as she groaned sleepily and I heard her bang into things before she had finally hit the snooze button like the usual. Typical Umme Qulsum!

I wondered why she even used alarms when she didn't even wake up to them, it was always me. The handsome and ultimate Musa!

Yawning, I stretched again, smiling to the breeze that swayed in through the sun glistening window that drifted in the morning daylight and the songs of the birds. "Rise and shine, young man!" I greeted myself with a smile, since mom was still busy sleeping to do the morning salutations for me.

" I get to live another day and another morning!" I sang, jumping off my bed and dancing to the window and sticking my head out to inhale the tranquil breeze. "School time it is!"

Dancing my way to my closet, I kicked open the door with my hands on my hips, and I stared at the messy sweatshirts trashed in my closet as they tumbled down one by one. Well, mesiness will always be part of life, nothing to be worried about. 

I grabbed one of my grey dark sweatshirt and some black pants from the mess, and used the restroom to fulfill my morning schedule.

Changing into my outfit, I brushed my teeth clean, and combed my hair back up, and winked at myself in the mirror. "Hey there, handsome. You're gorgeous, aren't you?" I greeted my reflection, giving it a boastful air kiss before heading out of the washroom.

Where was everyone?

I peeked in my youngest aunt, Umme Qulsum's room, she was half on the bed and half falling off, her blonde hair a messy wreck. There was no point of waking her up, in fact, she woke up exactly twenty minutes before class time-- whether you called her up or not-- and would hastily scramble to get dressed. I mean come on, there probably was a reason why Allah had sent me down, maybe she could take the cue to follow me as a role model of course. Duh!

Rolling my eyes, I closed her door shut, and entered Harun's room who was snuggling with one of his pillows. "Haruna akhi, let down your hair!" I screamed on top of my lungs.

"Go away!" Harun grumbled groggily, stuffing his face in the sanctuary of his pillow. "My hair is too short!"

"Psst, Musa. Annoy him!" Satan poked me.

I glared at him with my arms crossed. "Get lost!"

"Please come one, just this once." He begged.

"We've had this conversation. No means, no. Hmph!" I closed my eyes stubbornly, and turned my face away. 

"But... it's so much fun."

I smiled. "Okay fine, I'll do it this just once."


"We have to get up now. Haruna-akhi, now!" I shook my brother vigorously, feigning tremendous panic. 


"Hey, listen!" I poked him, shaking my voice with panic. "Some scumbag tied you to the railway in the middle of a desert. Allah! The train is coming in twenty second, get up now if you wanna survive." I pulled on his cocooned tightened blanket that wrapped him perfectly like a rolled sushi which he totally mistook as the adamant rope.

Playing the tooting noise of the train on my device, I placed it in Harun's ears. "Look Harun, now or you'll dying under the train tracks. Get up, now!"

"Oh gosh, I wanna survive!" Harun shrieked groggily, trying to wake himself from heavy slumber.

I pulled at his hand, and Harun groggily jumped up, followed my lead with his blanket tailing behind him as I led him straight toward his open window. "If you want to survive then this way please. Now!" I pleaded with faux panic. "Now, Harun. Now!"

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