Quran Class

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Rasulullah (S.A.W) said: " A person who recites the Quran and has memorised it, will be with noble scribes (Angels/Prophets, in Jannah)" 

Rasulullah (S.A.W) said:

"It will be said to the one who memorised the Quran, 'Recite and ascend and recite just as you would recite in the world, for your abode (in Jannah) will be the last verse you recite"


*Note: This is a continuation from the previous chapter. 

Halima POV:

School was finally over, and we were all packed in the heated car, sweating buckets as we prepared to make the final hit towards home. Home? 

The word tasted bitter and remote on my tongue. What was home anyway, where was my home? I felt too foreign to be in this place anyway. To cramped, too much crowded with people, and definitely no freedom in life at all. I was caged like a pet bird.

The familiar smooth warmth of the Quran sprawled open in my hands was what still kept me breathing and alive. It gave me a reason to live, showing me the path like a compass of guidance. Every word was like cursive designs being embedded in the breadth of my heart the more I stared in the depth of the pages. The more I hummed the verses, my mind rested at peace wiping out the screaming terrors from the dark pits of my mind.

"Hey, Saff. Can you believe what surah I have for dour ?" Umme Qulsum exaggerated, asking her sister. Umme Qulsum was a hafizah who had entirely memorized the holy Quran at the sprouting age of eleven, and she always pestered me to do more sabaq than expected even though I told her billions of times that I was already pushing myself to the last bit.

"What?" Mom asked monotonously, backing the car out of the parking lot. She was uninterested. I could tell, since I didn't talk much, rather stayed quiet, observing.

"Surah Ghafir."

"What? Isn't that like... six or ten pages?" Mom asked her, swiveling the car and speeding downthe road instantly. "It should be easy."

"No, it isn't."

"Look Qulsum, nothing is hard with your utmost effort and with some mountain of duas."

"Right." Umme Qulsum nodded, staring out the window which  mom now had rolled down and continued to drum her fingers on the window seal with boredom.

"Time for Quran class in a few hours, everyone ready?"

"Yup," Umme Qulsum and Harun chorused monotonously. It was all a part of the routine, nothing different!

"Great!" Mymoonah and Musa grumbled together in unison, looking at each other. Quran class was their worst nightmares, and that was literally the only thing they had in common. They were both in for rebelling, but never for Quran.

"Did you all read the dua?" Mom asked, glancing at us through the rearview mirror.

"Yes," We all churosed.

"Say something Haruna-akhi, your my wingman, my first love, and all you do is bang away with your games." Musa exaggerated, interrupting the silence, his hands flying everywhere as he rebuked his older brother for ignoring him and giving his games a first class priority.

"Eh, whatever." Harun continued away thumbing on his gaming device, his eyes trained on the glowing screen. Harun was a 'whatever' type of guy, well, at least from what I knew. You tell him the buildings are collapsing or there was an alien invasion nearby, he'd probably shrug his shoulders carelessly and walk away, not before saying 'whatever'. His life was based on 'whatever'. 

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