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Mymoonah POV:

Leaning my back on Halima's bed in her darkroom, I sat there curled up on the ground waiting for her arrival with my arms around my knees. The night breeze blew the curtains from time to time whooshing them in and out from the open window. The night outside was dark, only accompanied by the little shimmering moon which allowed the night to glow. 

I have been waiting for her for hours, the whole night. Where was she? Where had she gone? If she was on an adventure, why did she leave me behind? If she was in trouble, where would I find her?

No, what am I doing?

I needed to alert mommy and daddy, what if she was in trouble?

"Mommy, Daddy--" I yelled.

Nothing. Were they deep sleepers, or... were they gone too leaving me behind?

Suddenly a chilly cold hand clamped over my mouth. I tried to struggle against it writhing around, but it didn't work. I was held still under the caging hold of my kidnapper. 

"Shhh, why are you waking them?" Halima's voice hissed in my ear before she let me loose. I turned around gazing at her with sheer joy and relief, extremely happy that she was fine. However, I had a lot of disappointment bottled up inside me too. 

With tiredness, she slumped on her bed with her hands covering her face in silence. 

"Where did you go?" I asked her sternly, breaking the silence as I placed my hands on my hips. 

"None of your business," She grumbled through her hand-covered face with a long sigh. A sigh of regret perhaps? What had she done?

"What the heck?" I whisper-yelled, fisting my hands at my side, unconsciously my voice exceeding the whispering limits and rising. "I've been waiting the whole night for you, so you could come home. I even thought about waking mommy and daddy. You know what? I am snitching!"

"You are not!" She removed her hands from her face to dangerously glare at me. "Why can't you leave me alone? I did what I wanted to, and I will do what I want. That's none of your business--"

"Like you ever leave me alone?" I argued sarcastically, rolling my eyes with aggravation. "Fine, then I'll do worse too. I'll start making guy friends, I'll go out at night just like you, and I'll party--" 

"Suit yourself in Jahannam!" Halima shrugged, throwing off her cloak and hijab before finding her pillow in the darkness and lying down, closing her eyes while throwing a blanket over her all in a swift motion. 

"Ugghhh!" I gritted through my clenched teeth, fisting my hands. How did she get so on my nerves? How did she just win every argument?

No, how did she win everything in life? Even mom and dad's love and attention?

She was such a fake, yet no one knew that. 

I officially declare it, I hate her. 

"MOMMY, DADDY!" I screamed with aggravation, my rage taking a toll on my head. "Halima was outside all night. MOMMY!

The floors creaked, silent footstep treaded, and I knew mommy had woken up since she was a light sleeper. Her bedroom door slightly opened and she groggily narrowed her eyes at me with annoyance before rubbing her eyes like a child to remove the sleep away. Her hair seemed to be a bird's nest pointing in every direction. "What happened? Why are you in Halima's room looking like a Grinch?" 

"No," I growled, angrily pointing at Halima. "Halima was outside all night, she just came home right now!"

Mommy slowly sauntered towards me yawning, tiredly peeking inside Halima's room before glaring at me with annoyance. "She's sound asleep for once. Are you out of your mind? Why are you waking her up? Halima, already has sleeping troubles? You should be glad she's asleep. Go to your room now!"

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