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Umme Qulsum POV:
Although I had undergone a traumatic event, I had to come clean with my family since it was clear they wanted to know what happened and deserved an explanation since they were very worried. They had asked me a few times what had happened during my disappearance, and I remained mute as per King Dawud's orders.

A moment ago, my phone buzzed with a text from him commanding me to tell the minimal truth to my family since the news was already pressed in the media. There were many guests of Prince Faakhir who were witnesses to it. Thus, I had to be frank about it, assuming they already had some knowledge about it all. Otherwise, they would worry nonetheless and feel devastated, which King Dawud had also told me, and I did come to see his point.

I did need to answer them at one point or another, and I decided I would come clean tonight. Maybe... not totally clean.

He had also mentioned that he wanted it all to be explained to my father before he came, and according to his text, he was coming in exactly two hours with his family. Can you believe it? His freaking entire royal family. Why?

Thus, I had to force myself to be ready and prepared and get my parents prepared as well, even though I was totally against this marriage. But what could I do? It was either him or that horrid prince!

My heart hammered in my chest, hard against my ribcage. My breath was ragged, and I could feel my arms and body shaking as I held onto my dresser. Please, I cannot afford an anxiety attack right now!

Gulping, I looked myself in the mirror and stared into my terror-stricken eyes. Although, I managed to get glammed up with mascara, eyeliner, silver eyeshadow, some magenta lipstick, and blush, it still wasn't a good enough disguise. My emotions were still as clear as daylight, and my face paled with terror at what was to come ahead of me.

I had to stay strong and no matter what, I had to go through this alone without worrying my parents. They were aging, and I had to let them live stress-free.

Sighing, I left my room before checking myself one last time in the mirror. I picked up my long silver gown and clambered down the step to the living room where my family were.

The living room was brightened with the afternoon sunlight, making my satin gown shine more than it should, like the princess I was soon going to be. It only washed me with foreign peculiar feeling that I didn't want to face.

"Oh Allah, my gorgeous sister finally came down." My brother Huzaifah beamed, scooting over and patting the massively long leather couch he was sitting on. His eyes lingered on my overly dressed outfit questioningly, but he decided not to say anything. "Come sit!"

Dad was in the room, and so was mom, both holding a cup of afternoon coffee in their hands and bickering with one another. The window was kept slightly ajar, letting in the summer breeze to cool down the room. Oh, how I loved those moments, but today was not one of those moments. Probably, never will be. Today was the first and the last!

They both immediately perked up and turned to look at me with a massive, comforting smile, yet I still didn't feel comforted. I was feeling nervous and worse by the minute.

Complying, I somehow did sit on the couch, trying my best to look comfortable.

'Smile', I told myself. 'Keep hands clamped on your thighs and--

"Attention customers, your best chief speaking here!" Musa popped out of nowhere, flipping his hair back like a male protagonist in a movie scene before placing his hands on his hips, except wearing a red apron with oven mitts on. "Would anyone like cookies—chocolate ones, by the way?"

"You didn't make them. You can't make anything, dear." Huzaifa said in a calm voice, sipping on his coffee.

Musa frowned, giving a tray of cookies to Dad. "Pssh, I was helping Mama in the kitchen. Be happy! That basically means I am cooking!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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