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I know it has been a long time, maybe more than a year, but I'm sorry... and here I am with another chapter. Hope you all enjoy!! 🥰


The rescue and arrival of my aunt Umme Qulsum brought joy to everyone in the house. However, who saved her, what transpired, and how she got home,  are still unknown. 

We had all assumed that the Huzaifah twins had brought her home, but it turns out that despite doing so, they were totally unaware of the circumstances behind her disappearance. They last encountered her with King Dawud, who had reportedly saved her. So, aside from my Aunty Umme Qulsum, the only other soul who was aware of what had occurred was him, King Dawud and he was out of reach. And, Aunty wasn't opening up anytime soon.  We could all tell that she was traumatized and tortured because she was as mute as a stone. It was obvious!

We would occasionally visit her in her room and give her the only scant consolation we could muster which was love. Each one of us would offer chocolates, bring her food to her room, give her hugs, and if she ever wanted to talk, we were all here supporting her no matter what.

Gramma and Grampa Benyamin was deeply affected as well since it was their youngest daughter who was affected, and over the coarse of a day or two, they have become obsessively protected over her.

However, no matter how much they asked her what happened she wouldn't budge. Healing would take time!!

Also, the fact that Harun and Musa decided to pretend oblivious to all this did not fool me. I knew precisely that they knew everything, if not, at least had some idea, and I needed to get to the bottom of it. I would frequently overhear them whispering, "Prince this, Prince that," and I knew Umme Qulsum's disappearance was maybe associated with them perhaps.

Although I did try asking them once in a while, they ignored me or simply told me I was hallucinating. However, I definitely wasn't!!

With annoyance, I scrolled down my phone watching social media for teen shorts. I was in and out, flitting back and forth from my thoughts to the internet world.

My attention was suddenly drawn to the message box, where I saw a few unread messages from Ember. Ember, like any other friend, would regularly send me reels and video clips that intrigued her. Since Ember and I had similar interests, I found these to be interesting as well.

I clicked on it, and it took me to a reel that showed the difference between two kinds of lipstick, comparing and contrasting the brands.

Carelessly, I watched it, and switched onto the next which was about crafts. Maybe I should start drawing or something to pass my free time instead of spending my time all on my device

I continued scrolling until I ended on the last picture she sent, and below it Ember messaged, "is she your aunt? Or part of your family? Joking, she must be a look-alike?"

Frantically, I clicked the picture. It was a blurred picture of Umme Qulsum's side profile with lingering tears in her eyes.

It was definitely her.

The next picture was Saudi's Prince  Prince Faakhir in handcuffs with the law enforcement next to him.

With sonic speed, I pressed the captions. It read, "Prince Faakhir arrested for abducting King Dawud's 'wife', the future Queen. Is she really his wife or was it all a pretend play with the unjust imprisonment of a royal prince of another kingdom?"

I rose to my feet in horror as I peered at the hazy photo of my aunt. Was this a fact? Was she the wife of King Dawud? He kidnapped him, what? The prince, Faakhir? Whennn? What did her do to her and why did her abduct her?

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