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Umme Qulsum POV:

"Can you tell me what happened?" I asked, squeezing Halima's hands as suspense lingered in the air for her to spill the beans. I desperately hoped that she would trust me whatsoever. I promised myself I wasn't going to tell anyone, I'd actually help here. Really, I would. I would give her my soul if I had to do it. 

She pressed her lips together, watching me closely, then instantly pulling her hands away from mine. "Nothing happened, Umme Q. Trust me, nothing did!"

"You're lying, aren't you?" I pressed, squinting my eyes at her. 

"Why would I?" 

"You know what?" I sighed, pulling my hands back on my lap. "Tell me whenever you are ready, I'm all ears." 

"Why would you even suspect that something happened to me?" Halima leaned back on her chair closing her eyes with a harsh sigh.

"I told you, tell me when you're ready--"

The door burst open again, and my cousin Abu Hurairah stepped in staring around shamelessly around the room, looking around for a particular someone. That's when it all clicked in, where the heck was my hijab?

It all happened in a heartbeat. Halima frantically threw me the nearest object, her blanket. Screaming, I ducked underneath her desk finding it hollow and welcoming, calling me to its dark pit. At the same time, I scrambled to cover myself with the blanket. 

"Huh, what did I do?" I heard Abu Hurairah ask stupidly, confused. 

"Dad, just get out!" Halima sighed with her face in her hands. 

"Oh, yes, yes, sorry!" My cousin apologized sheepishly, slowly closing the door, totally unaware of the whole panicking scene seconds ago. "I forgot my daughters are grown up. They need total privacy!"

"Umme Q's here!" Halima announced drily. 

"Oh, so that's where the scream came from." My cousin realized, and I rolled my eyes. "I thought it was one of Mymoonah's old barbie dolls."

"Her barbie's are all buried in the backyard." Halima said innocently, and I stifled in my laughter. "I buried them when I was twelve. Not sure if they are still there though."

"What?" My cousin laughed. 

"You can't tell her though, I just couldn't handle them." Halima made a disgusted face as memories surfaced in her head. 

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with daddy." My cousin promised before closing the door shut, leaving us two alone again. 

"Bro, this is one of the reasons why I hate coming to your house. The fear that Cat is just gonna pounce in anytime--" 

"Don't worry, I'll hang a sign on my door next time." Halima joked drily, clicking her pen in and out. 

"Thanks," I answered, getting out of the pit underneath the desk. 


Musa POV: 

Slinging my backpack on my shoulder, I slammed my car door shut and half jogged and skipped into school plastering my enormous toothy smile on my face. "Hello everyone, it's me Musa!" I cheered, waving my hands in the air. 

"You can be cheerleader if you tried," Fadhalah popped in, punching my shoulders. Fadhalah as usual was always out of fashion trends. He looked utterly out of place wearing a hoodie and pants that looked like his nightwear instead, not to forget he topped it all with his turban. "I'm in the student council, do you wanna audition?"

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