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Musa POV:

Today was Careers Day and our elementary school bustled with the loud chatters of students as they scurried to their scheduled classes in their work clothes that provided the world an insight of their adulthood. The dress up was also a means of impressing the teachers and providing the class with a long dreamy speech of their futuristic ambitions. 

In the labyrinth of school halls, there were a few casted doctors scurrying away to their classes in their lab coats. I also spotted a construction worker in his yellow helmet and orange safety vest that cloaked his shirt, but most were students in business clothes clad in tuxes or a simple blazer and pants.

"Aye, Daniel," I shouted gleefully, spotting my friend in the throng of students. Locating Daniel was easy because most students instantly segregated themselves away from the prince's path as an act of regal honour and respect. "Wait for me!"

Daniel turned around and raised his eyebrows awkwardly, pausing in his hasty strides to gwak at me with utter in disbelief. "Who in the galaxy are you supposed to be?"

I arrogantly rolled my eyes. "Isn't it obvious? Everyone knows who I am."

Daniel snickered. "I don't want to be rude--"

"No, don't you dare laugh at my future career." I pointed a finger accusingly at him before humming out a sigh. "Actually, who am I kidding? Laugh all you want cause my future job is to make you laugh and haunt your nightmares. Muwahahaha!"

Daniel frowned disapprovingly. "You can't be a clown when you grow up, Musa. You look so stupid. Wait, is that fresh flour on your face... and lipstick?"

"Yup, flour freshly grounded from Saudi--" I boasted.

"Jeez, I don't need the details--"

"Young prince, you making fun of me? At this rate, your country's going to run out of clowns and entertainments, and then I have to move away. You'd beg me to stay, but it'd be too late. Your country's going to be clown-less for eternity." I crossed my arms over my chest, and averted my face arrogantly away from him. "Hmph, suit yourself. Imagine this, no more circuses in Jordan. You'll suck out all the fun out of your people, drain them, make them zombies, and then they'll live in a complete black and white bleaky world--"

"Hey, hey, Musa stop exaggerrating things." Daniel shook my shoulders, breaking me out of my trance. "I get it, you can go be the clown of your dreams."

"Oh, yeah thanks for the support." I smiled appreciatingly. "So, what you gonna in your navy blue tux which doesn't even tell me the identity of your occupation by the way. I mean everyone wears that stuff, don't you want to be someone different that doesn't make you like the rest of mankind out there? Something special like a clown?"

"I was going for be Minister of Justice,"

"And, why is that? To put people into shape?" I asked, keeping up with his strides as we headed towards our classroom with his pack of black suited guards.

"For my father's sake of course. I'll find the criminal and finish this unsolved case once and for all." Daniel answered angrily, his glassy eyes cast in a distance as he spoke with gnashed teeth.

"Well, you'll look great as the... minister of justice." I comforted cluelessly. What does the minister of Justice do again? Scream the word Justice? Perform sorcery to bring in Justice?

We entered our class and begrudgingly took our assigned seats; Daniel had snuck in beside me on the desk nieghbouring to mine. Almost every student was clad in work clothes, some disguised as nurses, doctors, and most dressed as workers in the business department.

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