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Harun POV:

"Zzzzzzz Zzzzzzz Zzzzzz..." 

Tell me about snoring. There was like every variation of snoring in this house, especially for the men species. There was Uncle Abu Hurairah who would snore like as if he was saying 'Pistachio' a hundred times like it was some lofty dhikr. Dad snored like there was literal bombing in the house, and each morning I had to pray an extra prayer of nafl just to thank Allah for no tragedies. And, lastly there was Grandpa Benyamin and Musa who snored like they were gurgling in the midst of their whudu session, tuning their snores high and low from time to time.  And, there was me, the innocent boy, the silent sleeper being the victim of it all. 

How worse could life get?

I had jerked up to dad's usual bombing snores, my heart lurching up with me in terror. Musa's toes were stuck to my lips, and I shoved his feet aggressively away from my mouth ignoring the snores that churned this house into a zoo. Even though, dad was downstairs in the living room, he still exploded the entire house. When will the men ever learn the etiquettes of sleeping?

"It's warmm," Musa shoved his socks covered toe back towards mouth. Musa and me were sleeping in the same bed laying horizontally to each other; his feet beside my head for some reason, and my feet to his. Turns out, Musa likes revolving like the clock hands during his sleep which was why I had begged mom to give me a seperate room than sharing the same bed and messy room as him. But, in Gramma's house, rooms were a few and all occupied at the very moment leaving me to suffer Musa's bizarre habits.

I harshly shoved his feet away with disgust again. "Yuck. Man, keep your toes to yourself. No thanks, I can survive without it." 

"Mmmm, you're missing out." Musa mumbled with his gurgling snores, embracing his pillow to his chest and smiling to some probably odd dreams about clowns. 

 I sighed with annoyance. How was I born in this zoo-like family?

With everyone snoring, there was no way I could go back to sleep. So, I tiptoed out of the room that Gramma gave me and Musa temporarily to share.

Since Grandpa Benyamin had a small house in this country, we had to share rooms. Me and Musa shared one, Aunt Safoora slept with Mymoonah, Umme Qulsum in her room, and of course, dad by himself in the living room since he declared he couldn't deal with us anymore. 

Once freshening up, I crept downstairs to find dad in one of the chesterfields snoring his head off with a pool of early daylight blinding his face and one of his hands dragging against the carpet.  It was summer, and the air was pretty humid outside, and because of that the central AC was on the highest speed creating a breezy cool atmosphere which probably was the basic reason why everyone was still laying around ten in the morning. 

Sighing, I tiptoed towards him and rolled down the window blinds with the remote to prevent the sun, and secured his blanket comfortably over him. 

"Good morning, Harun!" Gramma suddenly called. I leapt in the air with the suddenness of her voice, and jerked around to face her with a sheepish smile as if she'd caught me in the midst of a crime. "Oh sorry, Musa?"

"No, no, no," I corrected her with a sigh. "I'm Harun."

"Oh, good morning darling. You know you could stay with me in my house for the rest of your life, right? Me and your Gramps will take care of you." Gramma laughed, entering the adjoined kitchen and instantly rummaged through the cabinets noisily looking for something. 

"No more groundings then?" I questioned with a smirk.


"Will I be able to play video games?" 

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