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Harun POV:

"Good night, love!" Mom whispered softly as she closed the door part way, tucking me in my bed under the moonlight that filtered in through the curtains and spilled on my blue printed bed spread with different coloured cars. "Remember to read the dua, okay!"

"Good night!" I whispered back, pretending to groggily drift off to my dreamland. Pfft! No way was I going to sleep anytime soon. I had my own plans in motion. I was going to wait for mom and dad to fall asleep, before I got my treat to mess around with dad's labratory downstairs. It's not everyday I get to know that dad forgot to lock his labratory door behind which contained all his secret colourful chemicals stashed in rows like different flavoured juices waiting to be drunk. 

Once I heard mom lock her bedroom door with a click, I immediately shot up from bed, aggressively threw away my blanket, and tiptoed to Musa's room and shook him awake. "Ya Musa, what the hell are you doing under the bed?"

"Trying to sleep, duh! Why? Are you planning a mission?" Musa hissed, peeking curiously from under his blanket looking annoyed. I abruptly siezed his duvet away, catching him red-handed in his own world stroking his bald head as he stared off at his reflection in the tiny mirror in his hand.

"It doesn't look like it." I grunted, rolling my eyes and ushering him to follow me.

"Where are we going?" Musa asked, baffled as he jumped out of his bed. 

"Mess with dad, what else?"

"What?" Musa gasped with disbelief, clapping my shoulders roughly with awe evident in his voice, his eyes twinkling. "Woah, now we're talkin'! You pick after my actions quick bro. The endless duas have finally been accepted. Oh, we must rejoice this blessed day--"

"Yeah, we're rejoicing alright. Now, Shhh!" I harshly hushed Musa as we both tiptoed through the dark halls down to the pitch black basement where dad's laboratory was located that held fascinating equipment and shelves full with colourful chemicals.

"Dad's gonna find out!" Musa hissed worriedly. "Where the hell are the lights by the way? Are you serious, why are we just going down to the basement in the dark?"

"Doofus, dad's gonna wake up if you worry to much!" I smacked his head, noticing his focus unwavering to the ceiling as he unconciously stomped loudly down the basement stairs. If he made a single peep, and if dad found out, things would definitely go down the train. As I hit his head, my hand landed full on smack on his smooth scalp with a 'thuck'.

"Ow! Stop hitting my head!" Musa whined, painfully rubbing his head. "It hurts more without the hair."

"What happened to your hair?" I asked quizzically. How did he end up home magically without hair? This should be news I'd be telling my kids!

"Ha ha," Musa laughed nervously, unconciously stroking his smooth head. "Basically, Uncle Hurairah shaved my hair off. A  long story, you don't wanna know!"

"What did you do?" I raised my brow as we landed in the bottom of the basement, my hand blindly running against the wall to find the light switch.

"Hey, don't look at me. It was him!" He accused innocently. "I just wanted to give him a haircut since I kind of found his style a bit lames. Hey, but the good news is... we're identical twins now--"

"We were born twins!" I grunted, finally finding the basement light switches and flicking them on. Slowly, one by one the whole basement was flooded with the lights overhead reflecting on the chemical beakers that were set neatly on the shelves ahead. Most of the time, dad's lab was securely locked for the sake of keeping me out since I was always mesmerized and lured in by the strong colours of chemicals and the mess in his lab. However, today, it seems that mom had polished every speck of this white room-- from the tables, lights to shelves everything was white and glimming-- and then she probably forgot to close the door behind giving me a chance of entry. Well, it wasn't my fault she forgot to close the door. At least I get the chance to play with dad's chemicals!

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