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Harun POV: 


God dammit!

In the still silence of my car, I collapsed on my driver's seat cradling my face with anxiety, and stress overpowering my head. What was going on with my family?

Oh, how I HATED Jacob. What was he doing to Halima? Was he blackmailing her and then abusing her? 

I just wish I knew. 

Whatever he was doing, he doesn't get the audacity to touch my family. At least, not on my watch. Why was even Halima going along with his tricks? Why was she a two-faced character; she claims to follow Islam and all of a sudden starts befriending guys. Not that I mind tho, but these guys were too much for her. They were going to ruin her into bits, and I wasn't letting anyone ruin my family. 

Why the heck am I even here in the first place, in my car? I should bring her home if I have to, or if she's not willing, I could at least let Uncle Abu Hurairah know. 

Opening my car door, I ran down the parking lot anxiously to find Halima. Finding her wasn't hard though, she was furiously walking towards my direction unconsciously with her hands fisted by her side and head down, her backpack slung by her side. 

"Halima," I softly called to grab her attention. "Let's go home!" 

Her eyes shot up, and I swear anger and lightning raged in them. "Don't ever involve yourself in my life. I HATE it!"

Does she hate me?

I frowned, narrowing my eyes. "What do you mean? Of course, I will. Those boys were abusing you, I need to report this! No, I need to tell Uncle Abu Hurairah--"

"You will do no such thing!" Her voice was cold as steel, her eyes dangerously leveled up to mine. Suddenly, I wasn't concentrating on her eyes anymore. I was distracted. Her snow pale, bare face flashed before her eyes; she had a beautiful thin nose, rosy cheeks, and cute red lips. If I could just...Snap out of it, Harun!

I sighed, instantly turning around. "Let's go home for now!"

She stood still to her grounds with pure hatred and untrust. "Never. Never with you!" 

"Then what are you planning to do?" I asked calmly, not letting my anger take a toll. "Uncle Hurairah asked me to drop you home."

Halima stared at me dangerously for a minute, wondering whether she should trust me or not, her hands clenched at her side. 

Oh god, why was she so fierce and stubborn?

A black car whooshed towards us with extreme velocity, blaring loud music before it slickly halted before us. The windows smoothly rolled down, and Jacob's face popped up. He narrowed his eyes at me, before glancing at Halima. "Anything going on here?"

"That's none of your business," I spat, angrily narrowing my eyes at him. My hands were fisted at my side, pleading to collide with his face for what he had done to Halima back in there. 

"Excuse me?" Jacob scoffed, raising his brows, daring me to challenge him. "Everything here is my business," 

"After what you had done to her, don't you think you should be reported?" I yelled, narrowing my eyes and gritting my teeth. Oh, how badly did I want to pounce on him?

He really needed a punch!

"Oh, really? Try me!" Jacob smirked challengingly, his nails tapping carelessly on the stirring wheel. "But I promise you, nothing will end good, and you certainly won't survive it--"

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