New Classmates

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Mymoonah POV:

"Hey Mona, we've got a presentation first period. This morning, remember?" Ember asked, panicking. Her fingers fidgeted as she held her cubic cards, shuffling through them while biting her lips, her foot continuing to drum stressfully against the floor. "Have you done memorizing your parts?"

I smirked confidently with my arms crossed over my chest. "Since when do I memorize my parts?" 

"Oh god, now I see why Musa's your cousin." Ember sighed, rolling her eyes with annoyance.

"Hey, don't bring that jerk in our convo!" I frowned, pumping my fist in the air. "He ain't anyone in my life, he should be forgotten!"

"Whatever, my marks mean so much to me. You better not mess it up, Mona!"

"Sure," I sighed. Another dull and ordinary day at school, bickering with classmates about presentations and listening to the teacher lecture us on what we should be learning. I've never understood the point of history; why are we wasting our time learning about dead soldiers who will have no bearing on my life?

"Princess, you know your parts?" Ember yelled, waving her arms friendly in the air from Princess Dilara's attention. Princess Dilara sat at the far back, her head in her hands, clearly distressed. She jumped up and anxiously searched for her callers when her title was mentioned, black circles developed under her eyes, and she gave us a tremulous grin and a timid wave of greeting.

"Students, may I all have your attention please!" My teacher clapped her hands in the air, and instantly the whole class simmered down into silence until there was utter pin-drop quietness. She cleared her throat and started speaking again, "As you all know, I want all your presentation done by today. Each group will get a few minutes of--"

A loud continuous knock disrupted the class, and the teacher sighed and sauntered towards the door to open it. She immediately smiled welcomingly and addressed a pack of students to enter the class.

She cleared his throat to get all of our attention again. "Students, we will be having a few new students this year and I expect all of you to be hospitable to them. Understood boys and girls?"

"Yes," We all chorused. 

"So, uh... Jonah, right?"  She gestured to the first boy standing along with two girls clad in black. 

"Yeah," A reddish-brown-haired boy friendly laughed stuffing his hands in his leather jacket, his other gloved hand nervously raking his tousled hair that was partly covered by his hood. Everything about him screamed bad boy, from his leather jacket, jeans, sneaker, piercings. Everything. Even the two girls next to him were adorned in black attire-- tight leather leggings, crop top, bomber jacket, piercings, and whatnot. 

"Please introduce yourself to the class!" 

"Hi, my name is Jonah Haddix. I'm fifteen. I've got one young brother, Damien, and two older siblings. Both jerks, but they care about me--"

"Jonah, mind you language please!" My teacher interrupted. 

Jonah looked at her bewildered, "What language? Oh, you mean' jerk'? Don't worry, my dad and brothers use worse language than that. They use words such as fuc--"

"Jonah!" My teacher yelled sternly, smacking her hand loudly on her desk. "Mind your language please, this is a school environment!"

"Sorry," Jonah excused himself. 

"TMI bro," One of the girls kicked him on the shin, rolling her eyes. "Sorry miss, he has a big mouth!"

"So anyway, where was I?" Jonah continued, "Yeah, so my sister is a cool woman, but I like her anyway--"

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