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"Remember me, I will remember you. And be grateful to me, and do not deny me." (Baqarah, 152)

Musa POV:

Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk, Honk....

"Wait, this is suspicious.... why are we driving the car together?" I asked Harun, looking at him closely and squinting my eyes at him. "Spill!"

Harun turned his head from the driver's seat and stared at me, his mouth opened and started speaking.  "Honk, honk, honk..."

I leaped out of my seat, jumped two feet high only to hit my head on the car ceiling. "W-what happened to your precious voice, bro? That tune of sugary-sweetness! We've got an actual frog stuck to your throat. Let me help you! Fie, what a disaster--"

Harun produced a heavy bat out of his teeny-weeny pocket and hit me hard on the head. "Time for school, stop dreaming!"

True to his prediction, I found myself coming back to reality, opening my eyes slowly and yawning out of my bed. Wow, what a dream that was!

The morning dawn light drizzled in my bedroom filtering in through the curtain slits and onto my floorboard. Harun hovered above me with a deep scowl on his face. He had one of my clown horns in one hand that I had collected from a garage sale and an alarm clock in another. 

"Woah, be careful with that baby!" I lunged my clown horn out of his hand and snuggled it close to my chest, and began speaking to it. "Oh thank lord, it was only you honking. How funny, I just had a dream, it was Haruna-akhi honking. Haruna-akhi, did you lose you voice love--?"

 "Musa, cut the crap!" Harun yelled, throwing the alarm clock roughly on my lap. "Mama wants you ready in twenty minutes and out of the house for school. She's mad. Now!"

"But my beauty sleep--?"

"Yeah, stuff it up to your butt!" Harun snorted, before sauntering out of my room, banging the door behind. 

"I love you too..." My voice trailed off.

 I smirked. Aww, that poor little brother of my mine, he'll really regret even being mean to me today. I knew just the horror to give him. 

"Musaaaa!" Mama screamed like a gorilla, and I immediately knew I was dead meat if didn't get out of bed any time sooner. I jumped out of bed, wrestled on Harun's pants since mine were bleached, and without even wearing a shirt, I ran to the washroom to wash my face. 

"Tick Tock, tick tock, you're almost late," Harun smirked at me as I was on the way to the washroom. 

"You!" I pointed at him aggressively ready to wrestle my brother down, "You're the one who shut off my alarm clock--"

"It's not like you wake up anyway!" Harun shrugged. If you were thinking of Harun as some goody-two-shoes or some religious saint, you're wrong. Very wrong. This was the very man who shared the same genetics as me, my other half. Another evil master-mind in disguise. 

"You!" I prepared myself to pounce on him.

"Musa, it's school time. Out now!" Mama glared dangerously at me with my backpack slinging down from her arm. She threw it at me, and pushed me and Harun out the door, and slammed the door with a bang. "Until you become a civilized men boys, you're not coming in. The end!"

"Mama, I'm not wearing a shirt!" I complained, staring at my beautiful and bare torso and then the windows of our nieghbourhood. "It's Harun's fault, now everyone's watching my shirtless body!"

"Shut up, I don't want a single excuse!" Mama screamed, before leaving the scene. "I'm tired of you all!"

She was dead serious.

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