Chapter Two: White?

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“Shut up bitch,” I groan at my ringing phone that just woke me up, but i quickly sit up and answer it when i realize who it is.

“Ty, hey.” I hope she isn't mad at me for blowing her off for the hundredth time yesterday.

“Riv, where the fuck are you?” she sounds so concerned its now confusing me.

“What- what do you mean where am I, I'm in bed dude. You just woke me up.” I scratch my head.

“Yeah well you should thank me because do you know what the time is? It's 7am, my dear River.”

My eyes shot wide open. “What!? No,” I jump out of bed, but fall when my foot gets tangled on the duvet. “Shit!”

School starts at 7:40am, so I basically have 40 minutes to get ready, and do the homework I didn't do last night. I'm fucked.

“Riv, you okay?” I heard Ty say after she laughed at me through the phone. “Yeah bitch,” I answer with a smile.

Tyler has always come through for me and for that reason I appreciate her so much. She's the one good thing in my life.

“Good. I'll be there in two minutes to help you get ready.” she said before dropping the phone. Always came through for me.

I toss my phone on the bed and head for a quick shower. Tyler got here right after I was done showering and she offered to do my homework.

“I mean, you're not really a straight A student but I guess I gotta take what I have.” I say to her. She gives me a death glare.

“I'm joking Ty,” I laugh at her failed attempt to get serious.

After getting dressed, I do some of my homework. I can't just throw it all on Tyler or else i won't get good grades. Oh no I'm joking.

“Done. Let's go!” she shouted. I quickly untangle my hair and walk out after her with my bag in my hand.

“You bought your car? Genius.” I said as I got into the passenger seat.

“Whats the time?” she asked as she started the engine. “Uhh, half past.” I look at my phone and answer.

We start driving.

“You know, my uncle Dru's in town.” she smiled.

I suddenly get this lump in my throat. I should not have done it. Why do I feel guilty. I swallow hard. “Yeah I know,” I say in a soft tone.

“Wait how'd you know?” she looked at me but looked back at the road when the streetlights turned green.

“Uhh,” dammit. “Micayla told me.”

She looks even more confused. “Why would Micayla Are you guys hanging out or something?”

“Yeah, sort of.” my hands start to sweat from the nervousness.

“When did she tell you this?” she asked with a slightly pissed voice.

“Last night, but I can explain though.”

We park in the school parking lot. “No I get it, you blew me off to hang out with Micayla. Is she more fun? What do you like her?” she's now pissed.

“Is that a hickey on your neck? Goddamn River.” she places both her hands on the sides of her head.

I try to say something but the words don't come out. I feel so bad that I can't tell her the truth. I hate it when Ty and I fight. “Tyler, I-”

“You know what? Save it. I need to get to class.” with that said, she got out of the car and I followed her.

“Tyler please let me explain...” the bell rang as I said that.

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