Chapter Eight: I want to kiss you

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“So I'll see you again?” Sammie asks as she slightly grips my jacket seductively.

“Ofcourse.” I bite my lip for two reasons; one she looks so hot right now, and two I might be lying.

We kiss goodbye and I leave. It's about 11pm and I seriously do not feel like going home. Staying in has never been my thing anyway, especially when Ty's not there.

I take out my phone and text Micayla.

River: ‘hey u sure u don't need me? cause i don't mind coming rn’

She immediately texts back.

Micayla: ‘boo I told you to rest, please do. I will text you tomorrow.’

I roll my eyes and put my phone away. I decide to go over to Club Venus since it is only a few minutes away.

I get there and the room is packed with young people and not the usual grumpy, wrinkly old dudes.

I walk to the bar and order a glass of tequila.

As I'm sitting, someone covers my eyes with their hands from behind me. It's definitely not Ty, and not Micayla either.

“Are you going to tell me who it is or what?” I just say. I don't like guessing games.

“You're such a bore.” Tanae removes her hands and orders a drink before sitting next to me.

“Are you stalking me?” I ask. Honestly, I don't know what to think after all the things Ty told me. And as much as I don't want to judge her, I can't help but think about it.

“What?” she looks at me confused. There's a silence for a few seconds.

“Look, River, I like you yes but you're not a priority like that right now. I don't know why you are being so distant towards me but I'm not going to kiss up to your behaviour. If you don't like me it's fine I'll just stay away from you.” she takes her drink and walks away from me.

I finish my drink and sit there, pitying myself for the situation I'm in. I watch Tanae dancing with other people and having fun. She really does not kiss ass and that's attractive.

I decide to talk to her about things because I will not live with it if I don't. I walk up to her.

“Can I talk to you? Please.” I interrupt her talking to some boy.

“No.” she says. “You heard her, so...” the guy said while smirking.

“Shut up and fuck off.” I say to him. I don't deal well with people like that.

Tanae grabs my arm and pulls me outside. We start walking together slowly.

“Did you really used to drug people and steal their money?” I ask her.

“I've had to do a lot of fucked up things to survive, things that I'm not proud of. But I only did that once and it was because the guy did my sister wrong.” she says.

“And were you really investigated for sexual assault?”

She goes quiet for a while but nods. Then she tenses up like everything has just been brought back.

“Tell you what, you don't have to tell me everything right away. Thank you for trying.” I grab her hand. She smiles.

“You pretty by the way, don't think I've ever told you.” I smile.

She laughs and says thank you. I stay with her till she catches a cab home and then I go home too.

I get there and my mom's sleeping, so I quietly go to my room and go to bed.

I'm woken up by my phone ringing. “Oh my god... a bitch can't even get some rest.” I answer. “Hello?”

“Hey it's me. Can we meet? I want to talk to you about something.” Tanae says.

“Damn girl do you ever sleep.” I rub my eye. She laughs. “It's 12pm River.”

“Do you wanna come over? Save me the hassle.” I suggest.

“Yeah sure I'll be there in about 20 minutes.” she said. I drop the call and run to the bathroom. I take a very quick shower and then get dressed in just sweatpants and a tank top. These are the times where being fast really comes in handy.

I walk back to my room and notice a message from Ty.

Tyler: ‘have a great day idiot, love u & see u monday’

River: ‘love u sis!’

I put my phone on silent and put it in the drawer. I walk to the lounge.

“Hey.” I say to my mom.

“Morning River. What time did you get home last night?” she says. Oh here we go.

“Uhm around 11.” I reply.

“Okay, next time just tell me if you're coming in late so I don't have to worry about you.” she smiles. I don't recall her being this nice.

“Tanae's coming over.” I say. “Tanae? Oh your friend.” she says. I just smile bluntly.

A few minutes later, there's a knock on the door. I jump up to open it.

“Hey.” Tanae says with a smile. She's always smiling I think it's just cute. It has to be the one thing we don't have in common, except for our heights too.

“Hi. Come in.” we both walk inside and she greets my mom. We walk to my room and close the door.

“Your room is way neater than I expected.” she says. “You were expecting my room to be messy? Ouch.” we both laugh. We lay on my bed next to each other, very decently.

“Sooo... as I had already said, I really like you and i would appreciate it if we atleast got to know each other.” she says.

“Yeah, ofcourse.” I just reply. I don't do well when if comes to expressions of emotion, it's kinda like my weak trait.

“This is the part where you're supposed to tell me if you like me or not.” she smiles. It's always the smile.

“I do. I wouldn't have allowed you in my room if I didn't, trust.” she laughs.

“What's your sexuality?” she asks me.

“Oh I don't know. I'm all for love is love and I don't care what gender you are. I don't even do that much research about it because I really don't care about a label to my feelings. if I like you, then I like you. And I like you Tanae.” I finally say I like her.

She stares at me like I had just told her I want to spend the rest of my life with her. She's looking for something through my eyes and hers are sparkling, not literally but.

“I want to kiss you. Can I kiss you?” she asks.

I laugh at how adorable she is. “Yes.” I whisper. She goes ahead and kisses me, so gentle like she doesn't want to hurt me.

I don't understand how she was investigated for sexual assault, she's such a delicate person.

She climbs up on top of me as I'm on my back, and starts kissing me again. I don't think I've ever been kissed like this.

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