Chapter Twelve: Fuck You & Your Ugly Suit

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“Attention everyone. Can Jaden Morris and River Smith report to the principal's office, thank you.” the secretary says in the intercom.

I roll my eyes and lift my head up from my desk. The whole class stares at me like they know I'm in trouble.

“What did you do this time, Smith?” Mr Simone smirks.

Mr Simone is very chill and he always finds a way to joke about everything. That's why I can sleep in his class. All he wants is for us to pass his class.

“That's why your face is bruised.” Janet says and smiles wickedly. Everyone has a problem with Janet because she's always in everyone's business.

“Shut up or you're next bitch.” I stand up and walk to the principal's office with my stuff.

I sit on a chair next to office door and wait to be called in. Jaden walks up and sits on the chair next to me, since there are only two chairs.

I cross my legs and look the other way. He's staring at me and I won't lie and say I'm not intimidated because I am. I tighten my jaw and hope he doesn't say or do anything.

I move my leg up and down and hope that time goes faster because sitting here with a guy who's twice as bigger and whom I beat up is not on my wishlist.

“Smith and Morris, come in.” the principal says. We both stand up and walk inside the office and take our seats.

I look at Jaden and notice that he has a bruised eye, a cut on the lip and a bandage around his nose. I did that!

“Now is one of you guys going to tell me what happened?” Mr Jackson asks.

I fold my arms and sit back. I'm not doing this one.

“Okay then I'll have to call both of you guys’ parents, and you'll get detention for a week.” he says.

“Wait what?! I was only just sticking up for a friend. Jaden's the one who made a really low dick move.” I sit up.

“You're not telling me what happened, River. Maybe if you do tell me I can understand what happened and give him the right punishment.” he says.

“Sir, I was just sitting and chilling with my friend, when Ms Smith here just came raging out and starting hitting me. I got angry and hit her back, and it escalated to a fight.” Jaden says.

“Why did she hit you, Jaden?” Mr Jackson raises his eyebrow.

“I don't know sir.”

“Damn right you do.” I look at him. We're now just staring at each other saying nothing.

“River, is there anything you'd like to say about what happened?” Mr Jackson asks me.

“I'm just tryna say, you might have a bunch of perverts at your school but you wouldn't know because all they do is hide behind their rich parents and fake sport lifestyles.” I cross my arms again.

“Jaden can you excuse us please.” Mr Jackson said and Jaden leaves the room.

“What did he do?” Mr Jackson asks.

“Dont you guys have cameras around here?” I ask.

“River, don't waste my time.”

I sigh. “He put his hand on my friend's thigh, or underwear I don't know but it was something very inappropriate.”

“Did you see him do that?” he says.

I look at him. “Well no but...”

“So you just assumed he did it?” he says.

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