Chapter Ten: You're a fuckin badass!

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TW: •References To Sexual Assault

“Yes sir.” I mumble to the annoying ass teacher who asked me if I was paying attention. He makes Math boring for me.

The bell comes to my rescue, today was the hardest day ever. I had to avoid letting Tanae see me to try and protect my peace with Ty.

I grab my stuff and walk out to my locker, and wait for Ty to come by.

She gets here three minutes later.

“Hi boo.” I smile at her. She gives me a small smile and looks at me. “Look who's not grumpy...on a Monday afternoon. Is there something you wanna tell me?” she says.

“No, Ty, if I tell you we'll end up fighting so I'd rather just keep it to myself.” I smile at her to make what I said sound a bit nicer.

I guess it worked because she laughed. “Oh come on I won't fight with you.”

I bite my inner cheeks and look at my hands. I know she'll be mad.

“It's Tanae isn't it?” she pauses. “Y'all hooked up didn't you?”

I keep quiet.

“Well you won't say I didn't warn you Riv,” she smiles, “But if she makes you smile on Mondays I will take it please.”

“Wait what?” I look at her very shocked. “Who are you and what did you do to Tyler?”

She laughs. “No man seriously do what brings you joy. I want that for you.” we start walking.

She handled the news way better than I expected. I thought she was going to strangled me in this building and shove me in the locker.

We get to the field and sit on a table just for a few minutes because we don't want to go home immediately after school.

Ty and I are talking about her favourite show ‘The Real Housewives of Atlanta’. She's a person who's amused by drama I swear.

“Ladies...” we're interrupted by an idiot. “Jaden, hi.” Ty looks up at him and smiles.

I roll my eyes. Not this bitch again. I look up at him and he's with two of his... friends?

One of them takes a seat next to me. Cocky enough? I look at him and he just looks at me too. I stop looking.

“Hi,” he whispers. I look at him and look away again. “I know you can hear me.” he whispers. I just ignore him.

“Well then I take it you don't want to whisper?” he says, still in a low voice but he's not whispering anymore.

I smile, but quickly stop when I notice that I am. “What the fuck do you want?” I whisper.

“Woah. Don't swear at me. I just wanted to say hi.” he whispers in a sarcastic tone. I just look at him and look away again.

“Okay so you're not interested, I'll shut up.” he takes a sip of his juice.

I look across me at Ty who's very deep in conversation with Jaden. I'm the one who shuts the fuck up when she flirts with someone I don't like. She could do the same.

“Hey.” Tanae scoots in and sits on the other side next to me. “Hi pretty face.” I smile at her and kiss her. My guardian angel has come to my rescue.

“Is your friend having a thing with Jaden?” she looks at them and whispers. I notice how uncomfortable Ty gets when she notices Tanae.

I look at them too. “I don't think so. I don't know though. Why?”

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