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'i love you, stiles stilinski

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'i love you, stiles stilinski.'

It was late, a layer have darkness having set in the sky and the moonlight shone through the glass pane in my room. It was also quiet, living in an empty house had its perks but it was also scary sometimes. The screen of my computer illuminated my face, the faces of the BAU crossing my eyes as I was entranced by the face of Spencer Reid entering the room.

I was wrapped in multiple blankets, my legs entangled in the warmth and my head only upright slightly to watch the show. I was tried, but my body decided sleep would no longer be my friend as my eyes stayed wide awake and my body seemed to be practically buzzing with energy.

After Stiles dropped me home, after all the Derek drama, I received a call from Isaac. We had exchanged phone numbers in chemistry the previous day considering we are partners and might need to talk for projects. However we didn't have any projects due at this current time so I didn't have any idea what the call could be about. Nether the less, I answered the call to something I definitely wasn't expecting.

"Hey Isaac, why are you calling me so late, is everything ok?" I asked him concerned as to why he was calling at such an hour, it was quiet for a moment on the other end.

"Y-yes I'm fine but I-I just had an argument with my father and I remembered when you said I could talk to you about anything so here I am." He said with a shaky voice and hoarse, it was evident that he had been crying and I felt a tinge of sympathy pull at my heart.

"Oh Isaac I meant what I said, so what was the argument about?" I asked him sincerely, I was genuinely curious since I hardly knew anything about the boy.

"J-just about my grades, I'm sorry L-Li I probably woke you up." He said and his tone of voice made me want to cry. He sounded so vulnerable, I could practically hear his lip quivering Isaac seemed like a great guy, he deserved to be happy.

"Isaac I promise you didn't wake me up I actually just got back home." I told him so that he wouldn't feel bad, placing my laptop down onto my bedside table and pulling the warmth away from my legs as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. "And hey what are friends for."

"You're a great friend Li." He said, I could tell he was smiling on the other end of the line.

"I know." I said with a laugh, trying to lighten up the mood to which he let out a slight chuckle also. "Are you sure there's nothing else bothering you Isaac cause you sounded really upset when you answered the phone."

"No" he said quickly, almost to quickly but it seemed to be a touchy subject so I decided not to press. We stayed on the phone for a couple hours, talking about everything, lacrosse, school and just about our lives, each of us genuinely listening to the other. I found out that he just lives with his dad now after his mom died, the boy reluctant to speak about the woman but I could tell he loved her dearly and that he had an older brother Camden who died in combat. I felt bad for Isaac he seemed to have had a hard life but from now on it was my mission to be the best friend to him that I could be.

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