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'don't you dare speak her name, she was a better person than you will ever be

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'don't you dare speak her name, she was a better person than you will ever be.'

It had been a few days since Lilac Collins had died. The moment after she took her last breath Stiles broke down. He kept saying that he never got to tell her how he was in love with her, never got the chance to be with her. He had lost his best friend, the love of his life. He hadn't left his room since, he hadn't ate and he hadn't talked to anyone, not even his father who just wanted to make sure he was alright. Scott tried to hide his grief and be strong for the pack but when he was alone he would break down, cry into his mother's arms. Derek felt extremely guilty and promised he would do what she asked and take care of Isaac. Isaac was at Lilacs house when he found out the news and broke down upon hearing that he lost his only friend. Allison was devastated to loose her and so was Lydia when she heard the news. Chris Argent even felt grief for the loss of one of his daughters friends even though she was a werwolf.

Even though Lilac wasn't perfect, everybody missed her and they would never forget her. She didn't deserve to die, especially not in such a horrific way. Her funeral was set to be the same day as Kates and everyone was not ready to officially say goodbye.

But they might not have to.


Scott was home alone and was in his room crying as he stared at a picture of his best friends. He couldn't believe that he let her die and he would never forgive himself. That was until his mother called. He answered the phone and was not expecting what she said

"Hey Scott I know you probably don't want to hear this but Lydia is missing, she ran away." His mother said to her son.

"Do you have any idea where she might have gone?" He asked with his voice slightly croaky from crying.

"No we don't but Scott that's not all." She said worried to tell him the last part of the news.

"What is it mom?" He asked confused as to what else she had to say.

"It's Lilacs body, it's missing." She said in almost a whisper knowing that her son didn't want to hear that his best friends body was missing. He didn't have a reply as he put the phone down and stared at the ceiling. How do a body just disappear? He was cut from his thoughts by the doorbell ringing. He made his way to the door and was surprised to open it and find Deaton, his boss. He hadn't been to work since that day so he wondered why he was here.

"Hello Scott I'm sorry to intrude but I think I have some news that you would like to hear." He said and Scott gestured for the man to come in. They sat at the kitchen table in silence until Scott spoke.

"What was the news doc?" He asked his voice still croaky

"I know you probably don't want to talk about it but before Lilac died did you give her that vial?" Dr Deaton asked and Scott flinched at the use of her name and the words died in the same sentence. He couldn't believe she was gone.

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