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'it's nothing you haven't seen before and if there is, throw a dollar at it.'


The tales of the preserve were something that passed down from generations in Beacon Hills, parents told their children of the trees that looked like monsters in the darkness, the whistling of wind through the tree branches that sent shivers down the spine, animals that lurked in the shadows, waiting to attack at any moment and fall prey to another one of the towns infamous animal attacks. They were told as stories of horror, they gave children nightmares and dared them to wander to the woods alone but it was as these children grew into teenagers, these nightmares became fun, they would sneak off into the woods and party around a campfire, that groups of them would go camping in the forest's clearings, but Lilac Collins, she had never grown to love the preserve, there was a eerie atmosphere about it, one that made her feel on edge anytime she was close to it, she flinched at the slightest sound and kept her eyes straight ahead, afraid the strangely shaped trees would indeed turn into her nightmares, she had never partied here, never camped out, she avoided the place at all costs which was why last night was still haunting her, and why her body was currently shaking as she walked into the preserve, not ready for what lied ahead.

The sun still sat in the sky, darker than before but still there, the little rays of dimming sun shone through the branches of the swaying trees as the three wandered down the muddy path, the path that was invisible to her eye last night, her hand had fallen into Stiles as they walked, her body pressed into his side as they walked, squeezing his hand ever so slightly anytime there was a noise heard in the distance, the weather was still breezy however, the cool air was nipping at her skin but the boys body heat from beside her was making her significantly warmer alongside the fact she was already wearing his sweater. It seemed none of them knew the exact direction they were going, with Scott leading the way by a mere metre ahead, their eyes wandering across the muddy ground looking for any sight of Scott's inhaler as they found themselves deep enough in the woods that nobody would be able to hear their screams. They found themselves at a small creak, only a few inches deep but wide enough they wouldn't be able to step over and the girl jumped onto the boys back, the boy seemingly expecting it as his hands placed themselves under her thighs, her head resting on his shoulder as they walked across the small flow of water and once they reached the other side the girl jumped down, smiling slightly at the boy who had just carried her before grabbing his hand once more, she didn't like this place, in fact she hated it.

"I hate this place, I feel like I'm about to get murdered." Lilac spoke, her tone rather shaky and it wasn't just from the cold, she looked between her best friends who shook their heads in amusement, they seemed so calm compared to her and she didn't know why, they didn't know what was in the darkness, they didn't know what was watching them. "What if a person with a chainsaw jumps out from behind one of these trees?"

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