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'That's what she said

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'That's what she said.'

I awoke to an empty bed, an audible groan leaving my lips as my body rolled over. The familiar full ache registering in my brain as I did and it didn't take a genius to roadie I had another hangover. I reached my arm over, my plan gripping my phone that was faced down on the table beside my bed, it was fully charged meaning Stiles must have been the one to put it there, as well as two aspirin and a cup of water.

My fingers began to tap at the screen, my eyes squinting slightly at the brightened before they widened. I had multiple missed messages from both Scott and Stiles, most of them being g of rather opposite things but still, I read through them all. They were explaining how Stiles had to leave, him feeling bad for leaving me alone but his dad had been hit by a car. Aftermath of a mountain lion attack in the school parking lot. But the words on the text reading he was fine lead me to let out a sigh of relief.

The others were how Stiles was now ignoring Scott, him having decided the werewolf was in the wrong. Him not saving his dad but rather a certain brunette girl he called his girlfriend. There were fewer messages from Scott, most of them asking if I had heard from our other best friend and I was beginning to feel like Hermione when she was delivering messages for both Ron and Harry, I felt like an owl. Except I wasn't doing a very good job.

"Jesus, all this happened whilst I was asleep."


I had made it to school, the ache in my head having subsided slightly from the painkillers and the shower I had taken taking away the grimy feeling that lingered in my skin. I was stood was now at my locker, leaning against the metal slightly and it felt cool against my sickly coloured skin.

I was getting the books I need for my first class, the stack begin to pile up and become rather heavy before I almost dropped them. The feeling of arms being wrapped around me, my body being pulled into another surprising me slightly. My head turned quickly, in search of the person showing me physical affection, only to see a certain werewolf boy, wearing one of his signature sheepish smiles.

"What was that for?" I asked confused by the random show of affection, placing my books down for a moment to make sure they didn't drop from my hands.

"Stiles told me what you said last night before he started ignoring me." He said and I was so confused, my eyebrows scrunching in confusion at the boys words until a feeling of dread crossed over me. There were many things I could have said, some rather embarrassing and others just depressing but there was no in between. I can't remember anything I said last night.

"Oh my god please tell me it wasn't something embarrassing." I told him and he just smiled, his teeth showing in the grin that reached from ear to ear.

"You don't remember?" He asked, his upturning his nose at the slightly lingering smell of alcohol on my breath, even though I had brushed my teeth twice this morning but suddenly my words made more sense.

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