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A layer of darkness was beginning to set in the sky, the stars littering the black colour and the moon shining brightly in its crescent form. It was a rather beautiful night, the air was humid, the warmth enough to leave the house without a jacket but a cool breeze sent goosebumps over the skin. My eyes watched the moon intently, the light of it shining through the single glass pane that laid on the wall of my bedroom.

My once neatly made bed was now a crinkled mess, the sheets entangled and the pillows thrown around absentmindedly. My body laid out on its stomach, my legs waving in the air as my phone laid to my ear and the sound of a certain curly headed boy infiltrating my ears as my mouth moved to reply.

It had been a rather believable discovery, the brunette girl being the one that tied Scott to his humanity, the one person that anchored him. The school day having ended many hours ago and I was driven home by my spastic best friend. My hand twirling my pen between my finger, not having written any words on the sheet of paper in front of me for almost an hour, the chemistry project seeming as if it would never be finished.

The conversation had strayed far from the subject of our project, rather our days and the sport of lacrosse being the topic of discussion. My room was quiet, the only sound being heard were my voice and the one coming through the phone. That was until I was cut off mid laugh, my bedroom door swinging open with a creak, in stepping a frantic looking Scott.

"Li, we need to go now." Was all he said, the seriousness in his tone evident and I was quick to sit up from my current position. The pen dropping from my hand and onto the floor.

"Hey Isaac I'll call you back later ok?" I told the curly headed boy and ended the call without waiting for a response. My mind hadn't begun to process the list of questions beginning to form, a questioning look being sent his way. He seemed to understand what I meant as he spoke.

"It's Derek, he says he has the alpha!" Scott said grabbing my coat for me, him throwing the rather thin material at me before he pushed me out of the door, obviously in a hurry. "Stiles is outside waiting in the Jeep."

"Of course he is." I said to the boy, a small laugh leaving lips as we exited the front door, the wooden entrance being locked with my key and with that we got in the car, my long legs being cramped into the back seat and I was greeted by an also very frantic Stiles.

No breaths were taken, a seemingly sense of anxiety looming in the car as regular glances were shared. My eyes wandered out of the window, them reading each sign we passed and road we took and I didn't have to be told where we were going to know this path. It was the way to school.

Both boys were rambling, most of their words morphing into one as they began to explain what had happened in the past hours. It was a rather confusing story however, explaining how a certain blue eyed wolf had kidnapped Dr Deaton. The tale should have been rather easy to understand, no hard vocabulary being used but the rambling was causing the words to leave my mind as quick as they had entered.

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