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3rd Person POV

It was like any other morning. Karna just returned from the lake after completing his morning ritual.

He entered the palace, greeting the servants back, and made his way to his chamber, where he was interrupted by a guard.

"Greetings prince, you have been called to the sabha for a very important meet organised." The guard spoke.

Karna was confused, there was no special event today neither was there any soon, so why this all.

He nodded hesitantly letting the guard know he is informed, with that the guard took his leave.

Karna returned to his own chamber and got ready before heading to the place where a "meeting" was due to take place.

Upon reaching, he could already sense the confusion in the air. There were some hints of hesitancy too.

Karna went to his spot beside that of his brothers and sat on his respective seat.

Soon all his brothers also came with the same expression on his face as his.

It was the first time something like this was happening and no one knew if this was for good or for bad.

It was dead silent.

No noise could be heard aside from his own breathing.

The tension so high that it could be cut with a knife.

But soon it was all interrupted by the announcement of the arrival of the sun God himself.

The door of the sabha opened.

Every single seated, stood up including mamashree and duryodhan.

And entered the God in his all glory.

His face shone like sun. After all he was the sun himself.

His black hair were long reaching his shoulder.

His almond shaped eyes were shining with a glint in them.

His smile so charming that even Karna can't stop the smile reaching his own face.

This was the almighty Father of Karna better yet known as the Suryadev.

A special mention to RitikaRawat606 for telling me that the meeting room is actually called 'sabha'.

Mahabharat Time Travel (Under Heavy Editing)Where stories live. Discover now