Part 8

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"WHERE IS SONA" The five sisters yelled at the same time making everyone else cover there ears.

The girls started panicking on the absence of their eldest sister.

In kaliyug

Here sona almost had a panic attack when she saw pooja being sucked by the hole. She was deciding either she too should jump or she should go to call for a help.

The young lady chose the second option and left in a search of help.

In dwarpayug

The pandavs were trying to calm the new foreigners who were still worried for their sister. Pay attention pandavs I mean only five pandavs our dear karn was also worried for his crush. I mean the girl on whom he has a teeny tiny crush not more. This line is what karn thinks but I think that rest know reality.

Somehow the five pandavs managed to calm the girls by telling them that sona will be coming later or till the next morning. All the girls except pooja believed them.

She was still worried but somehow arjun made up an excuse about finding sona the next morning, which pooja agreed to. I mean it was arjun right.

After a few hours it was already midnight. Everyone was asleep in their respected chambers except karn. The kaliyug girls were sleeping together in one chamber till sona comes. (I think you all got a hint of the upcoming chapters right?).

Karn was wandering in the whole palace as he was not sleepy. The eldest pandav stopped infront of the portal from which kaliyug girls came from. He stared at it for some time. As he was about to leave he heard some noise coming from the portal.

In kaliyug

The helpless girl was not able to search for any help as there was no one crossing the highway. She cannot go too far from the portal in case she missed any signal coming from it.

Sona was now regretting choosing the second option as it did not worked. She was left with no choice. The girl prepared herself to jump, she counted.

" here I come" saying that she jumped and landed on......

Chapter completed.
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